1. Future Is Unpredictable

1098 Words
Third Person's POV: "Hey, Avani, wake up," Dixxi whispered softly, her fingers gently caressing Avani's hair. Avani slowly blinked her hazel brown eyes, recognizing someone was calling her. "When did you get here?" Avani asked, sitting up from her resting position. "I came home almost two hours ago. I found you asleep, so I didn't want to disturb you," Dixxi replied, her gaze fixed on Avani. Avani searched for her phone and inquired, "What time is it?" "It's 8:30 in the evening. Are you alright, Avani?" Dixxi asked, concern evident in her eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just a bit exhausted after my shift at the bakery," Avani sighed. "Again, you had to deal with some awful people," Dixxi remarked, and Avani understood exactly what she meant. "What? No. I was just tired. Trust me, nothing happened today," Avani lied. "Tears seem to have dried on your face. And I can sense that you've cried a lot, haven't you?" Dixxi said, her voice filled with sadness. "I'm sorry, Dixxi. I can't always be as strong as you told me to be. People's words weaken me every time, and it drains my energy to silence them. Sometimes it feels like they see the truth, and I'm the one unwilling to accept it," Avani confessed, tears streaming down her cheeks. "No, Avani, that's not right. Even if it were true, they have no right to remind you of it. Tell me, does it make any sense to insult someone simply because they don't have a surname? They are wrong, and you have to find the strength to silence their words," Dixxi insisted, gently wiping away Avani's tears. "Dixxi, it's hurting me now. Maybe in a few years, I'll be able to handle the insults. But how many people can I stop from hurting me?" Avani said, her smile tinged with sadness. "That's enough. From now on, if anyone tries to insult you, just call me. I'll deal with them, understand?" Dixxi said, her anger evident, making Avani smile and feel fortunate to have a friend like Dixxi. "Anyway, I'm going to make dinner. You must be hungry. I'm really sorry, Dixxi, I should have woken up," Avani said, heading towards the kitchen. "Wait, I have already made dinner. You'd better go and take a shower. We'll have our meal together," Dixxi said. "Dixxi, today was my turn. You shouldn't have let me oversleep," Avani replied, her tone filled with guilt. "It's okay, Avani. Go and take a shower. You look really tired," Dixxi reassured her, and Avani left, feeling a pang of guilt. After taking a refreshing shower, Avani and Dixxi sat down together to enjoy their dinner. Avani sat engrossed in her diary, scribbling away as midnight approached. Dixxi, concerned about Avani's well-being, threw a pillow her way. "You must be asleep by now," Dixxi stated, her tone tense. Avani looked up, her tired eyes meeting Dixxi's gaze. "I'm not feeling sleepy," she replied. Dixxi's worry deepened. "You know this isn't healthy. Staying up all night writing in your diary and sleeping during the day will make you sick." Avani dismissed her concerns, continuing to pour her thoughts onto the pages. Dixxi grew frustrated and snatched the diary from her hands. "Don't be afraid. I won't read it. I already know your entire life history. Now, come on, it's time to sleep," Dixxi declared, her tone serious. Reluctantly, Avani agreed, and they made their way to bed. As Avani lay there, not asleep but silent, Dixxi broke the silence. "Avani, does it bother you that I didn't let you write in your diary tonight?" Dixxi asked, searching for understanding. Avani smiled, her sadness momentarily lifted. "No, not at all." Dixxi had been curious for some time and decided to voice her question. "Why do you even write a diary? It's not necessary, you know." Avani's voice wavered as she tried to explain her habit. "I don't know, Dixxi. It's been with me since childhood. But honestly, it doesn't bring me pleasure or comfort. Sometimes, I even force myself to write. I can't quite explain why." Dixxi pondered her response. "Maybe you could give your diary to your future boyfriend. He could understand you as well as you understand yourself." Avani's laughter filled the room, surprising Dixxi. "A boyfriend? That's unlikely. If I ever have one, he'll probably mock me for not having a surname or identity." Dixxi refused to accept such pessimism. "Don't think like that. The future is unpredictable. You might find someone who loves you so deeply, it surpasses all your sorrows. Their love could help you forget." Avani's voice grew somber. "Love can also break a person, you know." Dixxi held Avani's hand, a comforting gesture. "You say that because you've never experienced it. Love has the power to change perspectives." Avani contemplated Dixxi's words before lightening the mood. "Perhaps I should fall in love as soon as possible. Maybe I'll start by falling in love with you. What do you think?" Dixxi laughed, not wanting to break any hearts. They continued their conversation, exchanging thoughts and dreams until sleep finally claimed them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Josh greeted Natasha with a warm smile as she entered his office. "Morning," Natasha replied, her voice lacking its usual energy as she took a seat across from Josh. Concerned, Josh observed her demeanor. "You seem upset. Is something bothering you?" Natasha sighed, her weariness evident. "I didn't get a good night's sleep." Josh's eyebrows furrowed with curiosity. "Anything in particular keeping you awake?" Avoiding eye contact, Natasha deflected the question. "It doesn't matter. But speaking of last night, where were you? I tried calling, but you didn't answer. Even your home said you weren't there." Josh's playful smile surfaced. "Oh, do you really want to know? Let's just say it was an unforgettable evening. The company was... exhilarating." Natasha's expression shifted from curiosity to frustration. "I don't need to hear the details, Josh. It's not my cup of tea." Josh's tone turned mocking. "You don't know what you're missing. Anyway, let's change the subject. Today, don't forget you have a press conference. The reporters are waiting in the hall." Josh's demeanor shifted, his flirtatious side emerging. "But before we tackle business, I must say, that girl last night made me forget everything. Good thing I have you to bring me back to reality. Ready to conquer the day, darling?" Natasha rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at her lips. "Let's focus on the press conference, shall we? We have a job to do, and I'll make sure everything runs smoothly."
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