Chapter 6

1597 Words
A man came out of Anne’s room in nothing but his boxers, rubbing his eyes. This wasn’t one of her usual, “friends”, as she would say. He was a heavier set man with a gray beard and beady eyes. His eyes were squinting with rage from being woken up. He looked around and when his eyes landed on us I hid behind Liam, tightly gripping the fabric of his button up shirt. “Do you need anything from this place?” Liam reached around, his hand resting on my side. “Just some clothes,” I whispered. Slowly moving me around to his side he kept his grip firmly on my shoulder, allowing me to lead the way to my room. He picked up the bag from the hospital that I had dropped. I was embarrassed at the state of my room, sloppily thrown together after Anne had ransacked it and stole my money. I grabbed what little clothes I had along with my bathroom essentials and shoved them into the bag Liam was holding. “Anything else?” I shook my head. He smiled, stretching out his hand. Hesitantly I placed my hand in his. Turning around we left my depressing room and stopped at the edge of the staircase where only Anne remained. “If you try to contact or cause any more trouble for her,” he smirked, “he won’t be forgiving” Who won’t be forgiving? Why was Anne so scared? So many questions paraded across my mind. Anne stomped to her room, slamming the door, knocking some old portraits off the wall. Walking down the old stairs I couldn’t help but look around at the old wallpaper that was peeling away. The holes that were never repaired. The stained carpet that was never taken care of. This place looked dreary as we crossed the threshold and outside under the bright clouded sky. I was free, but what now? Where will I go? I have no money, no family. As worry and doubt started to weigh down on my chest. Liam’s voice cut through everything. “Let’s get you home,” his cheery smile confused me. “Home?” He kissed my temple and walked me to the front passenger seat, tossing my bag in the back before I got in. When I was secured in my seat he closed my door. I just stared out of the windshield and up at the house. “You okay?” I noticed his eyes glancing at my wrists. I pulled the sleeves as low as they would go. “I will be,” I gave him a weak smile. He started the car and we took off. Still no idea where he was heading. “Why did you come inside?” I asked. “Oh yeah,” he reached behind my seat, and pulled my school bag from behind it. “Where did you find it!” “Leo picked it up from the bridge and found your phone and student ID” I pulled out my phone and saw I had about 20 texts and missed calls from Chloe. “We had to silence it. You’re one popular cookie” I looked up and saw we were nearing the library. “You can drop me off at the Library” “What for? Need to return that dictionary?” He chuckled. “No. I need to start searching for jobs nearby and see if it would be alright with Chloe’s parents if I could stay for a few weeks till I save up some money” “Hard no” “What, why?” My heart was sinking. “Because I’m taking you home already” I was confused and noticed that we were now traveling towards the Heights. And not just any part, but the most exclusive part of town. Beautiful mansions with water fountain gardens passed by each as unique and full as the next. My eyes grew wide with the class and elegance each home radiated, but none of them took my breath away as much as the last house on the end did. Marble pillars etched with beautiful gold lines around them. The big glass windows sparkled with lights from the inside. He pulled up next to a sleek black corvette and put his car in park. My heart was racing and I was feeling queasy all of a sudden. Liam got out, grabbed the hospital bag from the backseat and opened my door for me. “It’s not much, but it’s home,” he smiled, tapping my chin lightly. I was in such awe that I didn’t realize my mouth was wide open. He turned the golden doorknob and a beautiful chandelier sparkled above us. “Welcome home Liam” I jumped in surprise. Not knowing where this man had come from. “Hey Gervis. Where’s mom and dad?” “They are attending Mia’s game” “I forgot that was tonight,” he ran his hands through his hair. “She will be most disappointed,” Gervis gave him a wicked grin and then turned towards me, “May I take your things?” I clutched my bag tightly. “We’re good,” Liam happily wrapped his arm around my shoulder, “Gervis this is Aria. She’s going to be staying here” “Does Madame know about this?” “Leo should’ve informed her by now” Gervis grimaced slightly, but quickly bounced back to a gracious smile, bowed and left us. “He means well. He’s been in my dad’s service since before Dante was born. Any who,” he patted my shoulder, “let me show you around” We walked through the whole house and it seemed to be larger inside than it looked. There were 12 rooms, 10 bathrooms, 5 living rooms, 2 offices, 1 library and an indoor pool, gym and theater. “I think that’s it,” he stopped and pointed at a door, “this room here is yours. Mine is the third one on the left,” he opened the door for me. It was a lovely room. Decorated in very matte nude colors that made the gold accent pieces of the furniture stand out. Liam sat the bags on the fluffy queen sized bed. “Closet is on the left, the bathroom is on the right. If there is anything you need just let me know and I can get it” “Liam,” my nerves were shot, “I can’t stay here” “Why not?” He leaned against the desk. “I don’t belong here. I appreciate everything you’re trying to do, but it’s too much. I can’t even begin to pay you back for everything you’ve done today” Standing tall he closed the gap between us, placing his hands on both sides of my face, gently cupping my cheeks. His warmth soothing my panicked nerves. “Don’t think for one second that you deserve all the s**t you’ve been put through” I felt an ache in my heart. How could someone who has only known me for a mere few hours, know exactly what I needed to hear? I sighed and nodded, suppressing the tears threatening to fall, waiting for reality to come crashing through this dream. “Will your parents be okay with me staying here?” “They’ll be fine. If not, we can run away together,” he winked, making me smile as he lowered his hands back to his side, “go shower and get comfortable. There should be some clothes in the dresser that’ll fit you. I’ll come back in an hour to get you for dinner” He shut the door behind him and I had the urge to go and lock it, but I didn’t. He has been nothing, but kind to me and gave me no reason to distrust him so far. Taking a deep breath I took out my phone and decided to send Chloe a quick text, letting her know I was alright and I would talk to her tomorrow at school. The bathroom was extremely lavished. It looked like it was straight from a magazine. The big mirror in front of the dual sinks made my sickly appearance look like I was something from a horror movie. My dull flat hair sticking to my head, my pale skin ghostly white making the dark bags under my eyes noticeable. Undressing in front of the room I could see every scar and bruise on my body. I hated the way I looked and turned away quickly. I turned on the shower and stepped in. Not really minding that it was freezing. The water gradually got warmer till it was burning hot. The drops felt like fire touching my skin, but it filled me with a sense of relief, knowing that all of this wasn’t a dream. Many bottles of bubble bath and soaps were neatly organized on the corner shelf. I took my time washing every inch of my body. When I was done I grabbed a towel hanging on the rack and dried off. The clothes in the dresser looked very expensive. I searched through every drawer and found another pair of sweats and a long sleeve that would cover my arms completely. I went back to the bed and pulled back the blankets and crawled in, bundling myself up in the softest bed I’ve ever laid in. The warmth lulled me into a deep sleep.
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