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A cold chill ran down my spine. I opened my eyes to a sky full of stars. When did I fall asleep? I looked around the tall grass. It was pitch black out. The lights from the rich part of town, the Heights, were sparkling in the distance. Here in the Valley the lights were flickering as they pitifully shined. I stood up, stretching my arms up to the sky, taking in a breath of crisp fall air, before heading back to the place I sleep. I wouldn’t call it home. Home is where you feel safe and secure. This house hasn’t been a home in years. I opened the front door, careful not to step on the first board because it would squeak and wake up Anne. I closed the door gently, making sure not to make a noise. I crept along the entrance hall and looked into the living room. Anne was passed out on the recliner in front of the television. Her bottles stacking up on the side table. Walking up the stairs I stayed as close to the railing as I could to avoid the creeping sound the boards would surely make. Reaching my room I closed the door behind me. Triple checking that I had locked it. I was a little ocd about this. I never trusted the company Anne kept. I tossed my sweater over my desk chair, pulling my phone out of the pocket while tapping the screen to see that it was half past midnight. I plugged it in, setting it on my desk before plopping down on my bed. My room was small, but it had everything I needed. No closet, but I had a small worn down dresser that was missing a few handles. A shabby old desk that was missing a few draws, but held up my books and what little makeup I had. Then there was my bed. I’ve had the same one since I was in 5th grade. Anne found it at a garage sale and since I could no longer fit in the toddler bed she was forced to buy it. As much as I wanted to shower I didn’t want to fight with Anne in her drunken state. She wasn’t always like this. There was a point in time where I thought of her as a mom. After my dad left she spiraled down into a depressive state. Her only way to cope was at the bottom of a bottle. Rolling over, ignoring the loud gurgling from my stomach. I’d be able to grab something quick to eat before I go to school in the morning. I tossed and turned for hours before finally falling asleep. The alarm on my phone had gone off and was vibrating loud enough for me to hear. It felt like I didn’t sleep at all. Squinting at the brightly lit screen I turned off my alarm. Why did 6 in the morning have to come so soon? I got out of bed and grabbed my clothes from the dresser I left out the day before. Unlocking my door I opened it just a crack and listened for Anne. She must still be asleep. Quickly making it across the hall to the bathroom. Triple checking that I locked it behind me. Looking into the cracked mirror, thanks to one of Anne’s blackout accidents, I couldn’t help but stare at my reflection. I looked like Anne before she sank so low. She wasn’t ugly by any means, but drinking has definitely aged her. I have dark brown wavy hair. I wasn’t short, but I could hardly say I was tall standing at 5’4”. Skinny and with my fair skin it made me look sickly. The only thing I got from my dad was my bright blue eyes. I always hated my eyes. They reminded me of my dad, Jacob, and how he abandoned me here. Quickly showering and getting dressed I walked briskly to my room, grabbing my phone, school bag and sweater. I slipped on my shoes and when I opened my door I was met by a pair of bloodshot green eyes. Anne must've gotten up while I was in the shower. The smell of stale alcohol flooded my nostrils, upsetting my empty stomach. “Where the hell are you going?” She said, swaying a bit. “School,” I pushed past her, rushing down the stairs. “You think you can just come and go as you please? Staying out all night and doing god knows what,” she followed, gripping the railing to keep herself from falling. “Aria! Get back here-“ “I’ll be home late tonight too,” I said, cutting her off as I opened the door and stepped out, “don’t wait up,” shutting it behind me. A part of me felt like I should help her, but after all the bullshit she’s tried pulling over the years it was kind of hard to feel anything towards her anymore. Checking my phone again it was only a quarter past 6. A little later than normal. I tried spending as much time away from that house as possible. School didn’t start for another hour and a half, but it took 20 minutes to walk there from my house. This gave me plenty of time to go to my favorite little breakfast shop. The fading sign of Elena and Son’s flickered. Taking out my keys I unlocked the front door and turned the neon sign to open. “Nico, you in the back?” I shouted through the little shop. There are some tables near the window for people to sit and eat. The small shop gave it a feeling of being at home. Well it did for me. Nico came out from the side door, drying his hand on a towel. “Well look who decided to show up,” he smiled at me, “you just going to stand there or help me?” I smiled back and sat my bag on the counter. Taking all the chairs off the tables and getting ready for the day. Nico was around his late 30’s or early 40’s and very attractive. His graying hair was combed back and his beard was always trimmed and tidy. I don’t know much about him other than he’s related to the owner of the shop, but he’s always been kind and has become like an uncle to me. He even gave me a job here when I was so I could save some money. “You hungry?” Nico asked, wiping down the tables. “Starving,” I said, heading around the counter to the kitchen where I knew he had cooked food in the warmer. “Made your favorite,” he pulled down 1 foil wrap and plate. Placing one breakfast sandwich on the foil and wrapping it up. “You going over the bridge?” He handed over the sandwich. “Always do,” I skipped the plate all together and happily ate mine, “remember, John-“ “Doesn’t like cheese. I listen from time to time” “Thank you,” I gave him a kiss on the cheek, “am I still on the schedule for this afternoon?,” I made my way back to the front of the store, finishing the last bite of my food. “Again? Don’t you want a break” “Why would I do that when I could stay here with you?” I gave him a cheesy smile. “The hours are yours if you want em’, but you should take the weekend off” “Fine, but could I at least squeeze in a few hours this weekend?” “Sure, but do something fun” “I’ll think about it,” I smirked, “see you later then,” I slipped on my bag and headed for the door” “Take care!” Nico shouted as I walked out. John was a local man who was “down on his luck” as others would say. He had gambling issues, he seemed like a grouchy old man, but when I talked to him his tone was softer. You could always find him near the bridge. “Morning John,” I smiled brightly at him. “Hey there girly,” his dreary eyes looking up at me. “Brought you a breakfast sandwich,” I pulled it from my bag, “no cheese” “You truly are an angel,” he smiled, unwrapping the warm food. “See you later,” I waved as I walked on the path to school. School was one thing I looked forward to. At least here I was able to get away from Anne, but it came with its own annoyances. “Hey there sexy,” an arm draped over my shoulder. I didn’t even have to look up to know who it was. The smell of peppermint gum and musky cologne gave him away. “What do you want, Braxton?” I asked, shoving him away, still walking up the school steps. “Just wondering when you’re going to let me take you out?” He grabbed my arm roughly, making me face him as he pressed me against the wall. His blonde shaggy hair, blue eyes and handsome features used to make my heart flutter, but now it made me want to slap him in his annoying face. “I can’t let you do that,” I said, trying to tug my arm out of his grasp. “And why is that?” He moved a strand of hair from my face. “Well,” I bit my bottom lip and ran my hand up over his sweater, causing him to loosen his grip on me so my other hands could move in sync with each other, “if I did that then what would you have to dream about?” I smirked and quickly pushed him back, giving me space to hop over the rail and make a run for the back entrance. His friends Jonas, Owen and Luis laughed at Braxton as I ran away. I’ve known Braxton all my life and even went out with him freshman year and if you embarrassed him in front of his friends you’d pay for it later. I entered the building through the south entrance, which was closer to my first class. I quickly walked in the room and sat down and got all my things out of my bag. “Aria!” It was Chloe shouting my name. “Hey,” I smiled, ignoring the growing pain in my ankle. “How was your weekend?” She pushed her chair closer to my desk and sat down. “Pretty uneventful. Just worked” “You’re always working. You should come out with us this weekend,” she smiled brightly, a mischievous twinkle in her eye, “I can give you a makeover,” she squealed. “I don’t know about all-“ “Please!!!” She grabbed my arms where Braxton had. I hissed at the pain and pushed myself away. “What’s wrong?” “I must have hit my arm at work” She gave me a questioning look, but took my excuse. Students began piling in, Braxton and a few friends along with him, took seats behind me. My heart felt like it dropped down to my stomach when I felt my chair tip backwards. Braxton had a tight grip on it. The back of the chair resting on his desk. “You will be mine,” he whispered in my ear. Letting go of my chair I slammed hard into my desk. “Settle down back there,” the teacher said, coming in and taking off his coat. The day had gone by quickly after this morning's events. Lunch time was one of my least favorite periods. Besides all the glares from half the female students, Braxton’s persistent urge to annoy me was enough to make me suppress my hunger. I hated that he was a big deal around here. He was the perfect all American boy next door. Perfect looks, grades and family, but only him and I know it was all a facade. “There you are,” Chloe wrapped her arm around mine, “so about the party. Will you come? Please!!!! It’s in the Heights and you don’t even have to stay long” Thinking back to this morning's conversation with Nico. I definitely needed a break. But why would I want to be stuck in a strangers house full of drunk people. I could just go back to Anne’s and do the same thing. Chloe looked at me with her puppy dog eyes. “Fine. Just a couple hours” “Yay!” She shouted, “it’s gonna be so much fun. You know you should really think about going out with Braxton again” “When hell freezes” “I don’t know why you don’t. He’s so dreamy,” she swooned over him. “He’s all yours,” I waved my hand lazily. “You know that’s why these girls hate you.” “Maybe someday one of them will catch his eye or have the guts to talk to him. Then I can get a moment of piece in this place”
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