2488 Words

Nanny thought that she looked a delightful picture in the pale winter sunlight. There was a delicate crunch of snow underfoot as a gentleman wearing a cloak and a black racoon hat came to the edge of the pond. He lit up a big cigar and stood there, smoking and watching Henrietta. She was not aware of him at first as her eyes were half closed as she whirled and twirled, feeling wonderfully alone in this powdery sparkling kingdom. It was only when she skated closer to the shore that her gaze fell on her watcher. His intense stare unnerved her and before she knew it she was wobbling dangerously. Next she landed unceremoniously on her back. Henrietta heard Nanny’s gasp and then she could hear someone else slide out onto the ice. A second later the gentleman in the racoon hat was hoverin

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