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Vinorca Jona POV Another voice fell into my ears, causing me to shiver on the spot. Is it Dante? But it doesn't sound like him. I can't even halt my feet to explain or defend myself, as they are working their own. Shit! I really want it to stop. ‘Don't worry, it's not Dante at all,’ the voice replied. I don't understand what's happening or why it has to be like this—two voices inside my head speaking as if they're conversing with each other. Whoever said, "Leaving for Good," isn't Dante. It's the voice inside my head speaking as if two people are residing there. ‘Why are you so scared, Vinorca? Chill out,” came a response inside my head, shocking me. I'm certain that I'm not talking to myself. Someone is inside my head, and there are two distinct tones and pitches I can hear. But who are they? My wolf? ‘What do you think? You're stressing your head more than necessary. Leave this topic aside and keep running,’ both voices loudly commanded, and suddenly my pace changed from slow to fast. Perhaps it's true. It's my 18th birthday, and maybe it's my wolf. But if one is my wolf, then who is the other? And it's already past midnight, so where am I running to? Even pack fighters and guards patrolling the border would think I'm trespassing, which could lead to my death. ‘You're just an Omega. Why the hell do you have to complicate things like this?’ I tried to reason with my wolf, even though I don't know which of the two voices is my wolf. One is feminine, and the other is masculine, making it hard for me to understand how two different voices are speaking at the same time. Even if it's my wolf, I can't have two wolves, right? Before I could think any further, the cold air brushed against my bare body. My body jolted in pain and shock; I already had many cuts from being dragged down the stairs, and the cold breeze hitting them exacerbated the lingering pain. Maybe if my wolf is confident enough, I can run, right? I can trust her. She may not be strong, but that doesn't mean she has no strength at all. I can save myself, but where will I go? If I pass through this pack, what about the other packs that share boundaries with us? It's not about how, it's about where—and me without any clothes, which isn't helping at all. "Vinorca, where the f**k are you going?" a loud growl boomed as I crossed the yard of the house. I know it's Dante. I can identify his voice. He's already aware that I'm not inside the house now. ‘What now? Help me, do something!’ I desperately asked the voices inside my head, the ones who had been planning my escape and led me into this situation. ‘Why should we?’ a deep, manly voice replied. This voice is too deep—not as deep as Dante's, but deeper than how most people talk. ‘Because it's your plan. How can you leave in the middle when you planned everything? Now that you've dug my grave, how about helping me out too?’ I groaned in annoyance. How can he say this to me? First of all, he's living in my head rent-free, and his existence only started a few minutes ago. He already set me on my deathbed, the f*****g bastard. ‘It's your problem because you dug the grave yourself. Why did you even have to believe other people? And the way you're asking for help sounds so annoying it makes me want to puke,’ he answered, and my feet stopped in their tracks. My heartbeat quickened. Even without turning my head to see Dante, I could feel the heat of his anger in this windy surrounding. It was palpable without seeing or being close to him. My feets suddenly stop running. I can't utter anything or even take a step forward. The body feels heavy again and is in pain, even though I'm just two steps away from being out of this house. I don't think I can take those two steps. I'm stuck, just as easily as my body was forced to run before. "What happened? Why aren't you running now?" Dante spoke. I can't hear him moving from his place, and his crisp words are loud enough that he's not that far from me, but he's not close either. I don't know his exact position, but I know if I don't do anything now, I'll be in his hands, and it's going to be worse than before. ‘Help me, please! How can you do this to me? First, you dragged me here, and now you're doing this. Where is my wolf? I can see you're not my wolf. Bring her here!’ I screamed in my head. I'm certain this is not my wolf. Whoever is being so arrogant now, when before my wolf sounded so sweet. ‘What if I say I am your wolf?’ ‘My wolf? How can I have a male wolf? Are you joking?’ I questioned. He must be joking. There's no way in hell I have a male wolf. Okay, even if I do, what was the feminine voice doing inside my head earlier? ‘Why do I need to answer so many questions? I already told you I'm your wolf, so you better believe me before Dante attacks you,’ he warned. ‘Then do something if you are my wolf,’ I pleaded. It feels like I've lost my mind talking to myself. How can I believe this? Still, if it's a wolf, then I need help now. I can settle other things afterward. ‘I don't think I need to help you when you're so egotistical toward me. You've totally lost your chance to get help,’ the voice retorted. "I asked you something, Vinorca. Where the f**k are you going?" Dante shouted, making me flinch on the spot as I was brought back from the conversation with my so-called fake wolf. ‘I'm not fake at all,’ the voice interjected. "Shut up!" I angrily commanded. If he couldn't help me, then why was he just talking on and on, reminding me that he dug this hole and is now leaving me as if he wasn't the one who started this? "What did you say?" Dante again loudly asked with his deep voice. Shit! I just spoke out loud, and Dante thinks I said that to him. The freezing wind is chilling me to the bone, but my head is burning hot. Moon Goddess, you have to come and save me now. How is this even happening? Two men—one eating my mind and another one gonna eat me alive. How can a wolf behave like this? My wolf is not even trying to help me at all. And where did that feminine voice suddenly disappear to? This is just so complicated; I don't understand it at all. ‘Enjoy your day with him,’ the voice giggled inside my head. ‘Why should I enjoy it? Why not try to do something? Isn't he your mate?’ I fumbled in anger. The whole sensation made me want to smash my own head against the wall just to find some relief from everything happening around me, leaving me in a different kind of shock and concern. ‘Who said he's my mate?’ he annoyingly questioned, sounding as offended as anyone could be. Not his mate? Dante clearly said I am his mate, sounding so serious as if there wasn't a lie in it at all. And here this fake wolf inside me is telling another story, leaving me concerned. I don't know where to run. I'm standing naked in the middle of the yard. Dante is still in place—why isn't he reaching for me? And why is he suddenly so silent? ‘He's not my mate? That means he's nothing to me too, right?’ I desperately wanted a clear answer. From the start, I felt like Dante was lying so he could have his way with me. Hearing this fake wolf inside me is giving me all the reasons to confirm my doubt. ‘Probably yes, maybe no, but you are not having any relationship with him—that's not something I can assure you. He is your step-brother and even ready to f**k you. How can you claim he is nothing when that's something I don't feel at all?’ he answered in a calm voice, as if we were having some normal conversation. I would love to kill this piece of s**t -fucker! ‘Hey, don't blame me. You're already calling me a fake wolf. How can you suddenly start thinking you can kill me? I'm not denying anything here, but I'm not into guys like this man who is claiming to be your mate,’ his laugh echoed inside my head as he joked. Wow! Such a great thing, he's joking like this. That's really something he should do when I'm standing here naked in this freezing cold? “Vinorca, come inside before I get my hands on you,”Dante warned, his voice colder than the wind cutting through my bare skin, as if it could kill me without touching me. His words and his voice are both his biggest strengths. Without even lifting a finger, his words are enough to make me, or anyone else, tremble. ‘Your lover is calling you. Not going anymore?’ The fake wolf teased me. ‘You just wait. Death is coming for you too. Today, Dante surely isn't going to leave me alive, so who are you going to leech on then?' I gritted my teeth. ‘Oh, is that so? I certainly have no issue, but if you try to be polite a little bit, then maybe I can help you out.’ "Moron!"

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