Chapter 5 Harlot Emerald

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-Rose- My stomach drops at her words, hesitating if I should respond. “You don’t trust me. I understand.”Emerald trots to me in a delicate motion. “But it is pointless to continue to feign sleeping. I caught you watching us.”She smirks as she stands beside the bed, reaching out her hand. I open my eyes, look at the hand in front of me and then have my eyes pinned on her. “What is this about?”I ask. “A gesture of friendliness.”Emerald replies. “You’ve stayed in bed for three days. Don’t you want to get up and take a walk?” I take her hand and sit up, sending her a grateful yet suspicious look, “Why are you helping me?” Emerald chuckles as she helps me get off the bed. My legs are numb as my feet touch the ground. Not until my sensations are back and can stand by myself, does Emerald loosen my hand. Instead of answering my question, she asks, “You want a consoling lie or a real answer?” “The real one.”I reply without any hesitation. After all I’ve suffered, I don’t want to hear lies anymore. “Truth could hurt your feelings, sweetie.”Emerald warns. “My heart was already shattered into pieces.”I shrug causally, “I don’t mind it being broken into more pieces.” “You’re a weirdo,”Emerald raises her eyebrows and smiles, “Just like me. Well, if truth is what you seek, I am going to tell you the truth. I am helping you because I want you to be my ally.” “Ally?”I frown, not understanding what she means. “Yep. The number of my clients are experiencing a significant drop in recent months. I can’t help but be concerned if Ruby is playing some nasty tricks. AGAIN.” Again. I note the emphasis in her words and remark, “It seems Ruby is not very fond of you.” “She loathes me.”Emerald grimaces. “You can’t believe that she and I were good friends.” Curiosity drives me to ask, “May I know what happened?” “Ruby came to this place earlier than me and gave me some guidance when I was a rookie. She was like a queen bossing around. Still, I felt grateful to her and took orders from her. In the last two years, I gradually acquired different methods to please different clients, from drunkard to hypocritical elite, and men from the royal…” I widen my eyes in shock and blurt out, “The royal?!” “Yeah,”Emerald is amused by my reaction. She flutters her thick eyelashes at me, “You have no idea where are you, do you?” I shake my head, expecting her to tell me. “Madame Pink’s House is the best brothel you can find in the south. And I am not bragging and boasting. I hate myself being a part of this house, but I can’t deny the fact that it is the best.”Emerald sighs before continuing to tell me the old grudge between her and Ruby. “One day the wealth I accumulated surpassed Ruby’s, Madame Pink promoted me to the super star of the house. Then Ruby and I had a fight. She blamed me for stealing her glory as well as the client’s favor.”Emerald laughs mockingly. “If she knew me better, she should know I give a damn about this reputation. Or rather, I resent this credit. Gosh, we’re in s*x industry! How stupid she is to think it is an honor to be the star in the house? It is like you’re telling the world that your v****a is more fuckable.” I feel sorry for Emerald but at the same time I can’t help but let out a hearty laugh. I like her straightforwardness. I want to ask her more about her past but finally hold back the urge. I worry my continuous questions may offend her. “Ruby had tried different ways to humiliate me, isolate me and frame me, but she didn’t make it because I have been Madame Pink’s favor. For a long time I ignored Ruby’s provocation, but now I have to carefully consider the situation. If Ruby strikes back and earns more than me, I will lose Madame Pink’s support. It is time to put an end to this ridiculous competition, and I must be the winner.” Emerald smiles, yet the smile doesn’t reach her eyes. “You know why?” “Why?” “Because if I lose the battle, Ruby will destroy me like what she did to other prostitutes.”Emerald pauses and starts to list the possible consequences, “Starving, beating, grounded, drowning, whipping…” I inhale sharply, which makes Emerald laughs. “Don’t worry, darling. I assure you I will win and you will be a wonderful contributor.”She gives me a consoling smile, but it doesn’t put me at ease. “I prefer not to be involved in your competition.”I say quietly. “I am afraid there is no third party in this house.”Emerald shakes her head, “Either Ruby or me, you have to take a side and cling to your shelter, or you will be suspected and bullied by the both sides.” Emerald is probably right. Feeling trapped, I frown and ask, “Don’t you worry that I will choose to follow Ruby instead of you?” “Even if you would like to join Ruby, she won’t take you in after I showed great interest in you.”Emerald gives me a sleazy smile, “She is a paranoid woman. She may see you as a spy sent by me. I am sorry sweetie. I was desperate to recruit strong allies and win the battle. I want you to be my side.” “Strong? Me?”I give her an incredible look.“Thank you for the praise but haven’t you seen the scar on my face? Your clients would probably walk away at the sight of me. I won’t be helpful.” “Like I said, I don’t judge a woman by her appearance. I hold a firm belief that brainy is the new sexy.”Emerald states as she traces her finger along my scar. I hiss at her touch, and she withdraws her hand. “The scar is fresh.”She mutters, “Care to tell me where you got it?” “That’s a long story.”I trail off. “Alright. You can tell me when you’re ready.Will you consider my offer then?” “It depends on what you want from me, and what you can do for me.”I say as I look up, and our eyes meet. “I just love to make deals with clever wolves, saving me a lot of time.”Emerald chuckles. She proposes frankly, “I find you someone who can heal your scar. In return, you help me take Ruby down. What do you say? Are you in?” “I don’t care about the scar that much.”I shake my head, “In fact I don’t mind keeping it.” Surprised by my replies, Emerald blinks at me and asks, “Why?” “Because it can serve as a reminder, reminding me of not trusting others so easily.”I say coldly. If Emerald knows how I got the scar on my left cheek, she would understand it isn’t a carrier of bless, neither a symbol of curse. It is simply a mark of experience. An evidence of being betrayed. By my bestie and first love. I swallow hard, mentioning none of this to her. “Alright. If you’re fine with the scar…”Emerald stares at me and asks tentatively, “Is there anything I can do for you then?” I ponder on the question and nod, “Yes.You help me get a new pack bracelet and I will be your ally.”I say. “Why do you want a pack bracelet? You still want to go back to your pack?”Emerald asks incredibly, “Do you think your pack members will admit you into the pack when they see your scarred face?” I never worry about this because I know a lot of people will verify my identity. Nancy the pack doctor, Mason my mom’s maid, Warrior Peter, as well as Sam the cook…Ah, how I miss the cupcakes he baked. I wet my mouth, feeling a bit embarrassed when my stomach rumbles. I cough to conceal my shyness and state firmly, “They will have me back.” “Sorry hun, but I don’t see it this way.”Emerald gives me a concerned look and explains, “Omegas are more like properties, or rather, goods to a pack. They will be discarded when they no longer have any values. Unless you have a connection in your pack, or a friend with high rank…Otherwise, your pack members will simply find someone else to do your job, cooking, cleaning…you see, omegas are replaceable to a pack.” I can’t help but laugh. I want to tell her that I am not an omega but Emerald doesn’t give me the chance. Her face suddenly darkens as she says in a trembling voice, “I was not joking and this is not funny. I was telling you about my personal experience. Three years ago I accidentally lost my pack bracelet. Since then I was never able to go back.” “Have you tried to apply for a new pack bracelet? With three pack member’s verification you can obtain the pack bracelet and rejoin your original pack.” “I did apply for a new pack bracelet but my application never get passed. The official told me my pack members denied that I was a member of the pack. No one admitted me except for my little sister. Later my ex, the Alpha’s son approached me and told me I was shunned out because his mom wasn’t happy about his relationship with me. The Luna was concerned that her son would marry me, which will disgrace the family since her son is the future Alpha yet I am only an Omega. So the Luna took the chance and commanded the whole pack do not confirm my identity. My little sister didn’t take her order and became an outcast bullied by every one.”Emerald’s voice turns into an unnoticeable sob and I see tears swelling in her eyes. She quickly rubs it away with the back of her hand. “I am so sorry,”I whisper. “Has your sister ever considered leaving the pack?” “My sister is suffering depression after I left. She is mentally and physically weak.”Emerald lets out a deep sigh, “She won’t be able to survive as a rogue. It is impossible for me to look after my sister myself, but I have to do something. To protect her I send money to the pack’s Gamma from time to time, in exchange for his protection of my sister. This is definitely against Luna's command but he agrees anyway. He is a pathetic gambler who owes large amounts of money to the casino. He will do anything for me as long as I can help him pay his debts.” “You’re a wonderful sister and I am sorry for you suffering.”I sigh and apologize, “I shouldn’t have laughed when you said omegas are replaceable to a pack.” “It is fine. It was I who overreacted.”Emerald replies, calmness coming back to her voice. “Why did you think this statement is funny anyway?” “Because I was about to tell you that I am not an omega. I am an Alpha’s daughter and I don’t think I am replaceable.” “You what?!”Emerald widens her eyes in terror and I swiftly covers her mouth. “Shhh, right now I’d like to keep my real identity a secret. Exposing it may cause a lot of trouble.”I move my hand away when I find her calm down. “My ex will spare no efforts to stop me going back once he finds me still alive.” “s**t. Did your ex attempt to murder you? I had thought my ex was the most disgusting man in the world. It turns out that…”Emerald sighs, not finishing her words. “It turns out that mine is worse.”I smile self-mockingly. “You must have suffered a lot.”Emerald says as her gaze lingers on the scar on my face. She says, “I am sorry about whatever happened to you.” “I will let you know when someday I want to share.”I smile at her, “Back to the topic, what about the deal I proposed? You help me get the pack bracelet and I help you tackle with Ruby. What’s your take on this?” Emerald considers the proposal for a while and eventually gives me a bright smile, “Deal.”
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