Chapter 3 My Crush Died?!

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-Dorian- For those who are curious to know how Lord Theodore's younger son became a regular guest to inns and brothels, where he ran into his child crush and won her as his Luna, here is my tale. As the younger son of the Harte, I was used to living a carefree life. Father and Sebastian, my dear brother, would address most issues. They have been trying their best to free me of the burden and give me enough time to study, to travel around and to enjoy my life. Gladly and thankfully, I accept such arrangements and I feel so lucky that I can be left out of the complicated pack issues. Yet as the old saying goes, luck shifts like wolves. The peace in my life vanished since April 8th, the day when General Arnold was attacked and murdered on his way home. Soon rumors spread, and some suspected my father as the perpetrator. The accusation was ridiculous because it is known to all that the friendship between Alpha Arnold and father is more solid than gold. Our family didn’t take the rumors seriously and underestimated its influence. The situation escalated a week later, when more than one witness from the Winters Pack claimed they saw my father kill Alpha Arnold. Since father couldn’t offer an alibi, the king sent his men to investigate the case and father was taken into custody, waiting for a trial. The news upset us so Sebastian began to seek help from our allies. By organizing parties and inviting elites and celebrities, we established a connection with Giles Freeman, the legendary lawyer who never lost a case. It was a relief that Mr. Freeman agreed to be our father’s lawyer. Life didn’t go easier as a month later Sebastian was found unconscious in his study. I immediately fetched him the doctor, according to whom Sebastian was poisoned while the type of the poison needs time to be identified. Sebastian was sent to the hospital. He fought with the Grim Reaper for 3 days in the ICU. He survived, yet was still in a coma. Within a month, the tragedy happened to General Arnold, to my father and then befell my brother. The high frequency made me doubt all those events were not coincidence but a meticulous set-up, which cunningly engaged the concerned party into an evil plan. My suspicion grew even more as I heard Rose Winters, daughter of Alpha Arnold committed suicide because the poor lady couldn’t bear the pain of losing her beloved father…I didn’t believe Rose would such things even though I just met her once. She was the most feisty girl I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Our first encounter was supposed to be romantic, for my parents had always wanted Rose to be their daughter-in-law. However, instead of leaving Rose a good impression, I behaved like a brainless teenager and succeeded in pissing her off. If my memory serves me right, I met Rose on our visit to the Winters Pack. She was busy observing insects on the lawn when we were introduced to each other. She showed little interest in entering the house to have some tea and preferred catching bugs in the sun. I totally agreed with her so I joined her and stayed outside. We spent a lovely afternoon together, bathed in the sun and had some random chat, which somehow ended up being a debate. We argued about whose pack is better and neither of us could convince the other, so we decided to use power to support our argument. I had thought I could defeat her easily in the wrestle, for her body was slim and she barely had any muscles. It never occurred to me her skillful movement could compensate for her disadvantages in strength and eventually took me down. My underestimation of my opponent, or rather, my arrogance made me pay the price. With Rose straddling on me and gripped my hands above my head, I saw zero chance to struggle free. In fact I should have admitted my failure and congratulated her like a gentleman. However, I was too ashamed to accept the outcome that I lost the combat to a girl younger than me and weaker than me. “Ten, nine, eight, seven, six…”Rose was counting down the number enthusiastically and the bright smile on her face made me stare. Fairly speaking, Rose wasn’t the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known (just between us). She was not the likes of ladies who would stir the beast in you in a s****l way. She didn’t wear a corset, nor makeup. Her appearance was not outstanding, but I found it difficult to take my eyes off her. The vigor in her eyes, the witty smile tugged at the corner of her mouth as well as the confidence in her voice made my heart thump in the chest. As our eyes met, I knew I was doomed. The crush occurred. I decided Rose Winters would be the one I love and cherish most in the rest of my life. It was a courageous decision because I was only 12 and the moon goddess would probably have other arrangements for me. I did think about the possibility and the way to resolve the problem. My solution was if the moon goddess actually came to me in person, telling me “No Dorian I would like to mate you with another she-wolf ”, I would tell the goddess to f**k off and became an atheist. And you know how unfair fate could be? While I was contemplating on giving up my belief for love’s sake, my crush was busy counting the number to obtain her victory. “Five, four…”she uttered the number with ecstasy. It dawned on me that I’d better not let her win. Rose Winters is an ambitious girl. She loves to win. She longs for triumph, which means she prefers winners to losers. In other words, she will not fall for someone she easily defeated. “Three…” A bright idea suddenly occurred. I looked up at her, took a deep breath before shouting aloud the three magical words, “I LOVE YOU.” She was utterly shocked, gazing at me with confusion in her eyes. And of course, the counting came to an abrupt stop. I took the chance, gripped her ankle and flipped her over. “How dare you!”She shouted, face flushing while fire flaring in her eyes. “Be more specific, my lady. What have I done?”I grinned at her, intentionally leading her to repeat my words, so that I could hear her say “I love you”, too. “You know what I was talking about,”Rose said through gritted teeth, “You played a nasty trick to steal my victory. You cheated!” I pondered on the accusation, which I believed was a bit unfair. Did I steal her victory? Yes. Was it a nasty trick? No! I said I love her when I seriously meant it. It wouldn’t be my fault if she couldn’t tell the truth from lies. I was too shy to tell her I meant what I said, so I shifted the topic, bringing her attention back to the combat we’re having. “All is fair in competitions,”I smirked. She was speechless. She didn’t say anything but you can tell she wasn’t fully convinced since she rolled her eyes. I must have been enchanted, for she made a non-ladylike expression but I just found her even more adorable. “You know, I haven’t started counting to ten. Technically you haven’t lost. Shall we draw?”I stood up and kindly offered my hand to her. “No bother. I hate draw. You won.”She huffed, glanced at my hand and ignored it, struggling to stand up on her own. I chuckled at her stubbornness, which provoked her. She squinted her eyes and cleared her throat to declare, “Mark my words, son of Lord Theodore…” “Dorian,”I interrupted her, “My name is Dorian.” “I know your name,”Rose gave me a strange look and stated, “Mark my words, Dorian, this isn’t over. I would defeat you someday in the future!” “I’d be looking forward to that day,”I replied with a smile and reached out my hand. Rose stared at it, hesitating for a moment before taking my hand. We shook hands in a diplomatic way, pretending that we’re as mature as adult wolves. I wonder if this is some common interest among children- to mimic grown-ups’ behaviors, to prove that we’re already capable of addressing various issues. In essence, we’re seeking acknowledgement. *** I had thought Rose and I would reunite soon but the fact was I never met her since then. I proposed we should go to the Winters pack again, but father said we couldn’t enter the Winter’s territory without invitations. “What if we invite them to visit our pack?” “That’s a wonderful idea, Dorian,”father smiled as he shook his head, “Yet still we can’t do it right now.” “Why?”I asked. “The lycan king won’t be happy to find the two packs interacting too frequently.”father smiled bitterly. “Why?”I asked again. “Because it is a king’s nature to doubt if someone are secretly conspiring against him to steal his throne.” “But General Arnold and you’re his best friends!”I complained, “The king is too paranoid.” “He has given us all the trust he could give, as a king.”father sighed, “Don’t blame him. I know what is on your mind. You are eager to meet the Winters again but you can’t, so you’re lashing out your anger by criticizing the king’s excessive suspicion.” “Oh really?”Sebastian jerked up his head from the scroll and gave me a cocky smile, “What have I missed, dear brother?” “Nothing.”I replied calmly. He studied my face and concluded,“Nothing means something. Don’t lie to me Dorian, I know you too much. You always complained about the socialization bored you. This is your first time to expect a reunion. Why? Anything special happened during your visit to the Winters Pack?” “Nothing…”I tried to deny but father winked at Sebastian and told him the truth. “Dorian had a fight with Alpha Arnold's daughter…” “Did you win?”Sebastian beamed at me. “Of course I won.”I replied, not mentioning the former stage of the combat where I was lying on the ground, restrained by Rose. “A gentleman shall not defeat a lady too easily, or you may harm her dignity.” “Don’t lecture me, brother.”I said impatiently, “I offered draw but she refused, saying she hates draw.” “Ah, I see.”Sebastian smiled amusingly, “No wonder she interested you. What’s her name?” “Rose. She told me her father named her Rose after her mom’s favorite flower.”I couldn’t help but show off how much I have known about Rose. “Her mom is Lorraine Winters, Beauty of the Beauty.” “Exactly.”father nodded, “ There was a time when the Winters and the Harte living together. Lorraine and your mother were very close friends back then.” “When?”I searched my memory but couldn’t remember the time father mentioned. “That’s before your birth. Before I was appointed to guard the south, I led my pack residing near the palace, so did Alpha Arnold.” “I wish we could go back to that time,”I muttered. “So that you can meet the Rose girl everyday.”Sebastian helped me finish the sentence, making father let out a hearty laugh. Admittedly, my brother is witty but sometimes his sharpness is annoying. “I am sorry, Dorian but we cannot turn back the clock.” “I know. I am not worried about that.”I shrugged, “I have alternatives.” “What’s your plan, genius?”Sebastian asked. “As long as I can marry Rose, I can meet her everyday.” “Marvelous plan. I like it.”Sebastian laughed. “Indeed. It is a concise and effective plan.”father also praised me. He tapped my shoulder and said, “Whatever choice you made, you have all my support.” “And mine,”Sebastian said, before returning his attention to the scroll of paper. “Thanks,”I smiled at them. When Sebastian turned eighteen, father held a coming to age ceremony for him. Alpha Arnold came to our pack but Rose didn’t show up, for she caught a cold and was lying in bed. Two years later when I turned eighteen, we held the ceremony again. Rose didn’t come to the party either. I couldn’t help but ask Alpha Arnold about her, and I heard a heartrending news- his daughter was already in a relationship with Hans Snow, a young Beta in the Winters Pack. During the meal, father asked me to make a toast to the moon. I raised the wine glass, appreciating the moon goddess’ bless with words while cursing her in my mind. I blamed her for arranging my love to be with Hans Snow. That evening I dreamed about the goddess. She called me an ungrateful i***t and demanded that I apologize because I made an invalid accusation. She never arranged Rose to Hans. The choice was made by Rose. The truth hurt me even more. At first I didn’t want to apologize but soon I changed my mind, for the goddess’ pet, a gigantic white wolf sitting beside her has begun to bare its teeth at me and made threatening noises in the back of its throat. I didn’t want to get bitten so I said sorry. The moon goddess smiled mercifully and comforted me, “Cheer up Dorian, do not let the temporary sorrow discourage you. You shall expect the unexpected, which shall take place some day in the future”. To a certain extent the goddess didn’t lie, because now Rose Winters jumped off the cliff… Technically speaking her relationship with Hans Snow was over. But at what cost? By letting death do them apart? But that means I can no longer see Rose Winters either! I wondered if this is the moon goddess’ joke. She does have a sense of black humor. Once I heard about the tragic news, I wanted to rush to the Winters Pack, to attend her funeral and bid her farewell, but I knew that would be impossible. My father was accused of killing Alpha Arnold. Thus, before the charge is cleared, the Winters Pack won’t welcome any visitors from the Harte. Inhaling sharply, I know it is my time to shoulder the responsibility. I am going to collect the evidence to get my father out of jail. I am going to figure out who drugged Sebastian and why. I am going to unveil the nasty scheme and make whoever behind this pay the price. Last but not least, I am going to bring a rose to Rose’ tomb. I will confess to her that I wasn’t joking when I said I love her. I need to be alive to carry out all these plans, which means I need to make my enemy let down their guard and underestimate my ability… So I began to star a playboy. I became a regular guest to inns and brothels. Soon I was known as a beat generation, a vulnerable man who can only seeks solace through drinking and f*****g. Good. That’s what I want my enemies to believe. When they forget my existence and rest in ease and pleasure, I will set the fire of revenge. And burn them all.
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