Chapter 1 Betrayed by My Love

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-Rose- For those who are curious about how an Alpha's daughter is burnt by the fire, thrown off the cliff, carried to the brothel and then avenges on her enemies and becomes a Luna…here is my story. My name is Rose, Rose Winters, and I am the only child of Alpha Arnold. You must have heard about my father’s name as long as you’re a resident bowing your neck under the yoke of the lycan king. As one of king’s friends from childhood, my father was appointed as the General to rule the northern area, while Lord Theodore Harte was entrusted with the southern area. This makes Winters and Harte known to all people, and of course, envied by a lot. Father didn’t quite appreciate the glorious position the king assigned him, though. He preferred the times when the appointment hasn’t taken place—when the Winters and the Harte still reside in the woods near the palace and they can visit the king every day. After all, the three of them grew up together and it hurts to go to a place that is far away from your old friends. Father worried that their friendship could drift away due to the long distance, so he discussed with my mom, hoping his child, either boy or girl, would be married to Lord Harte’s child. According to father, this could maintain and even strengthen the bond between the Winters and the Harte. My father’s wish was declined by mom, for she didn’t want the beloved in her belly to be objectified and utilized. According to Mason, my mom’s maid, my parents have discussed this issue for more than fifteen times and they could never reach an agreement. Eventually, my mom won the argument because she died in childbirth and her last words were to make sure her daughter could choose her mate as she wants. Mom’s death broke father’s heart, so he gave up the initial plan so that my mom’s last wish could be fulfilled. I love my mom even though I have never met her. For one reason, I’ve heard stories about mom from different people in my pack and they all speak highly of her. They gave her plenty of titles, such as Beauty of Beauties, The Feisty Luna, ect. I believe mom deserved the title because I have seen her picture on my father’s desk. Mom has black hair reaching her waist, a pair of sapphire eyes and a delicate nose. And there is a graceful smile on her face that can light up the room. No wonder my father fell for my mom on their first encounter. Well, who wouldn’t? Besides, mom’s beauty is not only skin deep. She is kindhearted, considerate and determined. I feel thankful to her. Without my mom, I would have been stuck in an arranged marriage with Lord Harte’s children, which was horrible because I was born with a heart to chase freedom. It would kill me if I cannot decide whom to spend the rest of my life with. When I was a child, I looked more like my father despite my sapphire eyes. As I aged, I gradually became a not-very-successful copy of my mom. If mom is a masterpiece created by the Moon Goddess, I would be a counterfeit. I am not as beautiful as mom, while my rebellious characteristics have dangerously surpassed her. Still I have many admirers. Some are my childhood friends and some come from other packs. Among all suitors I chose Hans Snow, Beta of the pack to be my husband. This is because his dad saved my dad’s life in a rouge attack and died. After that Hans took his father’s place and became the new Beta. I felt sorry for Hans and hope the marriage can compensate him, enabling him to be the future Alpha of our pack after my father resigns. Father wasn’t happy about my choice because he had wanted to marry me into the Harte. Lord Theodore Harte has two sons. The elder son Sebastian is a responsible man well-known for his integrity while the younger son Dorian is the one famous for his wits. Either Sebastian or Dorian is fine as long as my future husband is the offspring of his old friend. I, however, didn’t listen to my father. I had never met Sebastian but I did met Dorian once. Back then he left me a horrible impression. Ten years ago I was 7. Lord Theodore took Dorian to visit our pack. The adult wolves were chatting in the house while the children were playing outside. Dorian and I had an argument, for both of us claimed our packs are stronger than the other. To prove our point, we had a fight on the lawn and I was about to win when he tricked me to lose. I accused him of cheating and he smirked, asserting all is fair in competitions. As you may have noticed, so many years have passed but this defeat still remained fresh in my memory. Yes, I am revengeful and I am not a forgiving person. With this old grudge, though my father insists Sebastian and Dorian are well-educated men and Hans cannot be compared to either of them, I stuck to my choice. Dad agreed with a deep sigh. He allowed me to be mated with Hans on the premise that Hans passed the trial dad set for him. The trial has a year duration, during the times dad would carefully observe and test him, to see if Hans is qualified to be my husband. Hans passed the trial successfully. During the first year of my engagement to him, he made me the happiest woman in the pack. He kept his promise to treat me like princess. He was busy, following father to patrol on different jurisdictions, but he bought me various gifts when he came back. Flowers, jewelries, and different types of weapons…among all a dagger called firekiss is my favor, for its blade is sharp to cut and its weight is light to carry. This weapon was a spoil Hans accumulating after he killed a rogue warrior. He gave it to me when he noticed the gleam in my eyes. I was so moved by his generosity so I tied the dagger to my belt, treasuring it as my precious. Day after day, Hans gradually acquired father’s trust. Three months ago father got an invitation from the king and he took Hans with him to visit the king, and I stayed in the pack like usual. Weeks later I got a letter from father, in which he stated that he decided to hold a wedding for Hans and me when they came home. More than that he felt it was time to resign and got some rest so he would assign Hans to be the future Alpha. “I haven’t told Hans about this because I wanted to see his shocking face,” wrote father. And I couldn’t help but smile at my father’s mischievousness. He is an aged man but his childish side never changed. To ensure everything proceeds well, I asked Bella, my best friend to help me organize the party. We spent around half a month preparing food, drinks and decorating the space. We even booked a banner, hung it up to welcome father and Hans. But they didn’t show up in time. They were supposed to be at home in middle March but neither of them arrived home. I became anxious and started sending people to figure out their whereabouts but the search was fruitless. My instinct was something bad is happening. How I wish my intuition was wrong. But no, it was cruelly correct. In the end of April Hans finally turned up. I threw myself into his embrace and he hugged me tightly. I haven’t had enough of the bliss of reunion and I heard him say,“I am sorry, Rose.”His voice barely a whisper. “What?”I blinked at him, not understanding why he suddenly apologized to me. “Your father and I were attacked by the Harte’s men on our way home…and I failed to protect Alpha Arnold. I am sorry Rose, I tried but it was too late.”Hans paused and watched me with a pair of sorrowful eyes, “I am so sorry, you father died in the attack”. Either it was because Hans looked too genuine or I was too heartbroken to think further. Anyway I wasn’t suspicious about his words and simply believed him. The pain of losing my father was huge, I cried and cried until my voice became hoarse. “How could Lord Theodore do such things to our pack? Wasn’t he father’s best friend? I am going to report this crime to the king. They shall never get away with this.” “Shh, I know babe. I’ve written to the king and the lycan has arrested Lord Theodore. He would soon face interrogation and trial.”Hans offered a handkerchief to wipe my tears and comforted me, “Everything is gonna be alright, baby. We’re going to get through this together. The Harte shall pay the price. ” My tears soaked the handkerchief and Hans gave me a soothing smile, muttering he was fine. We remained the hugging position until I felt tired. Hans carried me to my bed and asked, “Do you want me to stay?” “No you must be exhausted too,”I shook my head and forced a smile at him, “You should go and get some sleep after such a long journey”. “Okay baby,”Hans said, “Call me if you need anything”. “I will. Thank you.” I nodded and watched Hans turn around and leave. The moment he left, my eyes became watery and the tears I was holding back began to fall in drenching stream. I had decided I’d better not to cry in front of Hans again, for I didn’t want my situation to concern my love, and I didn’t want him to blame himself for my father’s death. I was so tired that before long I fell asleep. Around an hour later I was awakened by a pang of pain. It hurt so much that I called Hans to fetch me some painkillers, hoping the pill can ease the ache in my heart. I called Hans several times but he didn’t answer. I thought he was asleep so I went to Nancy, the pack doctor and told her my heart hurt like hell. She said she was sorry and gave me the medicine. Yet the pill didn’t put me at ease. The pain lingered and didn’t disappear until later in the night. At that time I didn’t realize the weirdness in the pain. I thought it sprang from my missing father and would vanish sooner or later when time heals my shattered heart. But the pain didn’t stop and it occurred even more and more frequently in the following days. I couldn’t help but wonder if there is something wrong with my body. So I went to the pack doctor and did a body examination. The result showed I am quite healthy and no disease was detected. I was so confused and the doctor hesitated for a long time before she mentioned a potential cause to my pain, which is irrelevant to my physical condition and can never be cured by any medicine. “The betrayal from the one you’re bonded with could result in such pain,”said Nancy. “You mean Hans?”I laughed at what the doctor implied and told her firmly, “But this is impossible. Hans is loyal to me and he will never do such things to me…” Nancy sent me a concerned look and insisted,“But you’ve been locking yourself to your room and rarely got outside. To me your fiancé has been very close to,”she suddenly paused and swallowed the name back and trailed off, “Well, it could be my misinterpretation.” “It must be,”I asserted, “Hans and I haven’t held the mating ceremony because I was too exhausted after my father's funeral. In fact we planned to have the mating ceremony next weekend. I asked Bella to help us with the arrangements. I assumed Bella was the one you referred to?” Nancy nodded hesitantly. I smiled at her, “Thank you for keeping an eye on Hans for me. Yet this suspicion is unnecessary. Bella is a friend whom Hans and I grew up with. She would never betray me.” “How can you be so sure about that?”asked Nancy. “Because I saved her life once, in an ambush. She has been grateful to me since then.” “An ambush?” “Yeah. The horrid event took place before you came to our pack. Around ten years ago father took us to picnic over the Green Hill. When we went by the Moon Valley we were besieged by a group of rogues. We were outnumbered and we lost Hans’ father in that battle. He died protecting my father.”I let out a deep sigh, feeling my heartache worsen at recalling the past. “It must be tough for Hans,”Nancy sighed and placed her hand atop of my left shoulder. “What about you and Bella?” “Back then we were too young to receive professional training and master martial arts. They were vulnerable but father taught me some combative tricks in private, which I employed to save Bella’s life when a rogue was to break her neck.”I shuddered as I could still recall the scene after so many years. “You are very brave. You were so little,”Nancy praised, appreciation laced in her tone. “I didn’t think too much. It was an act out of instinct.”I shrugged, “I was protecting my friend.” “Then you’re a true friend,”Nancy smiled and said, “I wish Hans and Bella would do the same thing for you, if ever you’re in danger.” “They will,”I stated firmly. When I left the clinic, I didn’t go back to sleep due to the insufferable headache. I felt light-headed and I was in great need of companionship. I want to sleep in Han’s arms, for I never felt pain when I was with him. I went to Hans’ place without informing him in advance. And the scene I saw became my nightmare. As I opened the door and went to the bedroom, I saw him naked in bed and a woman was riding him. With her back to me, I could still recognize her by the color of her hair and the moaning sound she uttered. I froze at the spot, watching their bodies entangled. “Whose p***y feels better? Me or Rose?” “Oh don’t mention that bitch.”Hans grumbled. “She never gave her body to me, saying she will save it for the special night of our mating ceremony.” “And will you give her a proper f**k?” “Yeah, I love to deflower virgins. They’re very tight. But don’t you worry, I will dump her after I take her virginity. You will have my heart.” “And your cock.”Bella smirked as she wounded her body, moaning as her entrance took in Hans’ member. “f**k,”Hans groaned as he squeezed her butt. “Harder, f**k me harder.” “You like it rough?” “Yeah, oh yes, f**k me harder!I am cumming.” “c*m for me babe.” My reason was screaming, demanding me to get out of this place while my legs were too shaky to support me to turn around. The still of time resumed when Hans noticed my presence. He pushed Bella to the side. She yelped and he quickly zipped up his pants “Rose, hon,”He called when striding in my direction and held my wrist, “I can explain. Please listen to me.” “Don’t touch me!”I shouted as I struggled free from his gripping, “You’re disgusting me. Both of you.”I said as my gaze darted to Bella, who was hiding herself in the quilt. It was ironic that she was shivering in tears, as if she was the victim hurt by me. “Seriously? What are those tears for? You’re the one betraying me, not the other way around.” I mocked her reaction and turned my gaze to Hans. Looking at his guilty face, I could no longer hold back my anger so I slapped him. “This is the end of our bond. You can continue to f**k your w***e now.” I spat as I stormed to the door but Hans took a step ahead of me and blocked the exit. “You’re not leaving like this, hon.”He said and the guilt on his face has vanished. Maybe he didn’t feel guilty in the first place. He was only regretful about his carelessness to be caught cheating. “Don’t you ever call me hon again!”I was outraged, “Out of my way. I didn’t want to hear any explanations. Betrayal is unforgivable!” “Rose, Rose,”Hans muttered my name, but he didn’t step aside. Instead, he locked the door behind him and said, “I had expected you would be merciful and give me a chance. Now you just leave me no choice.” A gleam flashed across his eyes as he c****d his head to the side and spoke to Bella, “Fetch my sword. Let’s make sure she won’t leak our secrets and cause troubles”. At his words, Bella threw a sword to Hans. He easily caught it, swung it in the air and pointed at my throat. Without any hesitation he stabbed forward with brutal force. I bent down instinctively, and succeeded in dodging the sudden attack. My swift movement surprised Hans. He squinted his eyes and forced me to step back. Slowly, I was cornered to the fireplace, where Hans initiated the second thrust. He missed again and bellowed. He discarded the sword and grabbed the fire poker. I tried to stop him but my strength couldn’t match Hans and he eventually got the poker. My blood ran cold when I saw the burning tongs come to my face. An excruciating agony seared through me as the fiery metal branded my skin, followed by a supreme pain that engulfed my vision. I screamed in pain before my body went limp and my consciousness slipped away in the haze of suffering.
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