Chapter 134 Emblematic Gesture: Unparalleled Talent

1270 Words

In spite of the ability to manipulate the flame, the lowest level of the Nine-Level Cast Qi Class Ding Hao cultivated was classified into 72 kinds such as big fire, small fire, slow fire, Yin fire, asthenic fire, Yang fire, fetus fire, heart fire, bright fire, dying fire, increasing fire, decreasing fire, orderly fire and disorderly fire. It was these complex fire types that alternated and combined with each other so as to form a complete process of casting a magical weapon. Mastering 72 kinds of flames was a very irritating and prolonged process even for those who were talented on the road of being an inscription. However, Ding Hao's two souls were superimposed and comprehension ability was brilliant. After the magical emulsion transformation of the cave, the body also had unparalle

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