Chapter 226 New Horrible Forces

1142 Words

Flames! Icing Qi! Two opposite Qi appeared in one man's body... How was this possible?! Lu Xianer even thought she was wrong and rubbed her eyes subconsciously. After she looked at it again and again, she was convinced that the scene in front of her was true. She was definitely right! The picture of Icing Qi and flame was horrified and beyond her understanding. As a direct descendant of the High-level of Tranquility Academy, Lu Xianer had begun to learn the unfathomable martial arts theories since she was young. She had been trained by her family elders. Her knowledge was much richer than that of the ordinary disciples in the nine sects. However, even so, among all the unfathomable martial arts magic skills she had learned in the past 14 or 15 years, even those legendary divine

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