Chapter 284 Sword Indignant, an Abnormal Killer

1253 Words

Danger! An unprecedented sense of danger instantly enveloped Ding Hao's whole body. He quickly used the Smoke Method. Ding Hao shook a little, and the next moment, more than a dozen realistic shadows separated from Ding Hao's body, like a flock of birds, rushing into all directions. Ding Hao could not resist that power at all. So he could only avoid it. Even so, Ding Hao only felt like a giant hammer that weighed tons of pounds hit him. He felt the blood in his throat, and spat a mouthful of blood! "I've cultivated my sword skill for a dozen years. Once I wave my sword, I'm capable of shaking the sky and the earth. I don't care whether you're good or bad, and I don't care whether you're my friends or my enemies. I only care about money!" A clear and nice piece of poetry cam

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