Chapter 11

1614 Words

The next day we didn’t expect to see Emily and were happy to just lounge about. That didn’t mean that Leah was getting off scott-free though. Oh no. Her time was coming. We were assured it was safe to still do our day trip to a neighbouring town, which was a “human town” that had a lot of touristy spots, so we decided to go. Everyone came, including little Charlie, who is just adorable and seriously making my ovaries work over time. He was just so good yesterday, even with all the mayhem. I will see if Chloe will give him to me since she has another one coming. That will work, right? Yeah nah. I cannot tell you how excited I was when… you guessed it… Carson was one of the guards. Leah gave me nervous glances to start with, but I pretended that I didn’t know why and just enjoyed myself.

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