Chapter 64

1476 Words

“You have an amazing little alpha there.” One woman commented as she watched her daughter paint with Tilly. “When she is not being the devil incarnate, she can be.” The woman snorted with laughter before trying to quickly control herself. “I’m so sorry.” She tried to calm herself down and started to look horrified. From that, I could tell she was human, but had been warned about not offending anyone. “Please. Don’t be. I’m Cara.” I offered my hand to try and ease her sudden panic. I'm sure she would know that I'm Liam’s mate, which has so many people here so nervous to even talk to me. It annoys me that anyone would think that they can’t joke or laugh with me. She quickly took my hand and shook it gently. “Elaine. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Luna Cara. Thank you again for organising

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