Chapter 1

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I haven’t been out and gotten this drunk in so long. It feels so good, but I know I will pay for it tomorrow. I was on like my twelfth cocktail (there’s the problem!), when my body told me I was busting to go to the toilet again. Don’t you love it how you never just need to go to the toilet when drunk, your always busting out of nowhere. I staggered off the chair, excusing myself, I think, and headed in the direction of the ladies' bathroom that I swear I was in only ten minutes ago. Luckily, there was no line, a miracle, so I continued in, all the while swearing at my heels that are making me look worse than I was. I completed my business, very proud of myself that I didn’t fall over. Definitely no more drinks or we will get kicked out shortly. I’m supposed to be a boring Accountant for f***s sake. I’m sure this is against the rule books. They may take my degree away from me if they find out. Sarcasm much? Never! I put some cold water on my face and chanted, “I’m fine. I’m fine.” Before straightening up, making sure I looked a little respectable in the mirrors. The mirror lies showing blood shot eyes and a little bit of lipstick off its mark and a bit of black under my eyes. My hair is the only thing still looking good. My dark brown curls have enough product in them to stop even a bomb going off next to me, to make them lose their shape. I fix what I can and pretend I look fabulous again before trying to walk straight back to the table. I don’t get very far down the hallway from the toilets when there is suddenly a man in my way. And oh boy, do I not mind! Hello muscles! It takes a moment to stop suddenly in my state and not fall over, whether it be into him or to the side onto the wall. I opted to quickly lean on the wall and try to look smooth… I know it didn’t work though. My eyes struggled to focus but they were definitely able to take in nearly every delicious ridge of muscle that was stretching the white t-shirt on the man in front of me. I finally pry my eyes upwards to get captured by the almost iridescent glowing smile from the man in front of me. His light brown hair that’s almost in a buzz cut and a single stud in his ear, also caught my attention. I feel like I can’t look away, like I’m drawn to him. Yep, way, way, way too many cocktails! He reaches forward and runs his finger down my cheek, saying something. I have no clue from the loud music and the fact that he is touching me. He is touching me! And thanks to the alcohol, I swear my skin is lighting up where he touches. Too many cocktails! “What?” I yelled out in a very lady-like manner. His smile just widens as he steps closer, wrapping his arm around me. He bends down so his lips are just centimetres from my ear. “What’s your name, gorgeous girl?” His husky voice lit my body on fire. “Cara. Yours?” I said quite loudly, making him flinch. Oops, too loud. “Are you here with your boyfriend as I don’t see a ring on your finger.” He almost cooed into my ear. I snort laugh. Way too many cocktails. “No, just my friends.” I make sure I say it in a more normal tone and almost cheer when he doesn’t flinch again. Before I could wait for his response, he dipped his head and I felt his tongue lick from my exposed collarbone up to my ear. “Good because tonight your mine.” He breathed the words into my ear and I swear my whole body just shivered with anticipation and my knees went weak. For a professional thirty-one year old, I feel like an 18 year old who has finally got the attention of the hottest guy in school. I definitely don’t argue. I don’t think I could. My already foggy brain is even more foggy, but this time with alcohol and lust, as I let him help me back to the table to get my stuff. The girls look at me with grins on their faces and two thumbs up, which they try to be discreet about. Yeah, no one is ever discreet when drunk. It didn’t happen, so he definitely saw them. “Have fun!” “Call me tomorrow!” Is all I get from them as they watch the hot guy practically carry me out… wait what is his name? “Sorry. What’s your name?” I asked as we got out the doors and I could finally hear again. “Aaron” he smiles at me again and a shiver goes down my spine, making me stumble and I regret wearing these ridiculous heels for at least the hundredth time. I have never fallen all over a man like this before. I feel like a fool, but at the same time, my drunken mind and brain is instantly turning into a puddle from the hot bit of man meat holding me up. We walked out of the bar s***h night club, sorry he walked and I stumbled down the road only a short way. We were in the middle of Melbourne, so I wasn’t surprised when we walked only half a block before into a swanky hotel. It wasn’t the most expensive in town, but it was close. We hardly spoke as I just looked around and concentrated on walking straight. I may have been chanting I’m fine, I’m fine in my head again. I was also still struggling with the searing touch of the hottest man currently helping me walk. It seemed everywhere he touched, set me on fire, but then again I am so drunk I could be on fire and probably wouldn’t know. But it did feel different, I swear. As soon as the elevator doors closed, he spun me around and finally his luscious lips were on mine. We devoured each other with his tongue instantly taking over my mouth as I moulded into him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him somehow closer while rubbing myself against him like a cat in heat. So not drinking this much again. I will be so embarrassed tomorrow, but tonight I don’t care. He groaned into my mouth as I felt myself rubbing against his erection, almost needing to feel it to make sure it was ready for me. Yep, extremely embarrassed tomorrow, but that’s tomorrow me’s problem. With a man this hot, well, who I am sure is hot even if I can’t really see straight, do you blame me? I could easily put a pro’s and con’s list together if needed to prove why this is a good idea right now. When the elevator doors opened, we pretty much stumbled out together. He picked me up but I couldn’t wrap my legs around his waist as my skirt was too tight. I must have looked like an i***t with my legs dangling in the air like a rag doll. So sexy! So like the movies… not! He still walked with my legs swaying in the wind and our mouths locked. My arms were tightly around his neck but he seemed to have no problems holding me up as he strode quickly to his room. I vaguely heard a beep and click, so guessing we found the door, sorry he found the door. I held on as he strode into the room and then slowly lowered me so my feet were on the floor. My shaky legs nearly gave out, but luckily, he still had a hold of me. “Whoa there.” He smiled the smile. It didn’t glow like in the club, but it was still so white and his teeth looked so sharp. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before… I hope he isn’t a biter. Or maybe I do hope… my foggy brain quipped back. Before I could think anymore, he slowly undid the zip on the side of my top while looking me in the eyes. Too slow! Way too slow. I grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt and just ripped it up, making sure he knew there was no slow here. He chuckled and bent down so I could get it over his head. He was about 6’3 to my 5’5 so a little bit of a height difference… yeah it would have really looked weird with my legs dangling before. As soon as his top was off, so was mine. Then we were going for the other articles of clothing that were in the way. Yes, I stumbled as I stepped out of my skirt but luckily he caught me and just laughed. I instantly just attacked his lips and started to push him towards the bed. Tonight I am going to enjoy every moment and hopefully remember it in the morning. Oh god I hope I remember this in the morning! The clever boy must have grabbed some condoms out of his wallet as he threw some on the bed behind him and started to put one on. I was impressed with how multitalented he was right now as we continued to kiss and make our way to the bed. He fell onto the bed and shuffled backwards to position himself in the middle of the bed as I prowled over him. I was not letting him go as I licked my lips. I positioned myself over him as he held my hips, his hooded eyes watching my every movement. The heat of his body seemingly taking over mine, his every touch seemed to just ignite something in me and I needed him now. It almost felt like tingles or electrical currents, man, I had too many cocktails. I slowly sank down on him a little, then up again and back down, continuing until he was filling me in the most delicious way possible. I have never felt so full or so complete, it was odd. He groaned and threw his head back. “f**k yes. Oh goddess, you feel so good.” Well that’s what I think he said but I was in my own lala land enjoying the moment. I started to ride him, picking up my pace. I needed more, more, more. He was like a drug. He started to thrust up into me as I came down. “Oh fuck.” I swore as my body just took over, sorry my hoochie (lady parts) taking over wanting to feel more of him. His hands came up and cupped my breasts. “So good.” He grunted. I held onto his hands and made him squeeze my n*****s the way I like it. It sent an extra jolt through me and made him groan more. Suddenly, he sat up and kissed me hard before pulling back, “on all fours.” He commanded and I happily did as he said. He put one hand on my hip, the other guiding his large c**k to my entrance before he slammed into me. “Oh god!” I squealed in pure pleasure. He pushed my shoulders down so my head was on the mattress. He was now impossibly deeper as I felt the tightness in my lower abdomen. I held onto the sheets and tried to meet his thrusts that were now harder and faster. It has never felt so good and even though the room was spinning, it was spinning in the best way possible. “So good.” He grunted and thrust even harder, finally sending me over the edge of delirium. There were fireworks behind my eyelids as I went off like a rocket screaming. I have never had a man that has made me c*m so hard.
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