Chapter 3

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Unknown POV I looked around at all the ‘powerful’ Alpha’s and Beta’s in the room. Some I respect and believe they do deserve their title, others are just show poodles trying to play in the big leagues. I laughed when I heard about the ‘Alpha meeting’ to talk about the rogue issues in America. The real Alpha’s and Beta’s in this room weren’t worried and knew they could protect their packs. The try-hard’s were the ones that said we needed to have this meeting. I feel sorry for anyone in their packs, they were basically sitting ducks except for the alliances some of them had with the stronger packs nearby. Smart move. The only way they had any chance. I spoke to the King and his head strategist Devlin personally. They knew it was only in America for a reason. They were just trying to work out the reason. They would have it in hand in no time, no one f***s with a Lycan. That’s why they did everything they could to bribe me to come to this ridiculous conference, meeting, catch up, whine fest, whatever they f**k they want to call it. My grandmother was a Lycan. Her family were well regarded Lycan warriors that were part of the Royal pack. She met my grandfather when he attended a royal ball of some type. That meant I had Lycan blood in me. Like all genetics, sometimes the gene is passed down, sometimes it isn’t. My father wasn’t a Lycan but had the gene which meant he was stronger and faster than most werewolves. I, however, am a Lycan, so I have to put up with everyone sucking up to me. My brother, though, was only a werewolf, not a Lycan, but is like my father and stronger than a normal werewolf. At least this is the last day of listening to their bullshit. Two days was more than enough. “You coming out tonight” One of the pretend Alpha’s asked me. I didn’t even bother looking at him. I just shook my head and walked off. I don’t have time for this s**t, I need to get back to my pack. My pack is the biggest in Australia and I don’t like being away for too long, especially after wasting the last two days. Actually no, I did get to finish a couple of deals with some of the Alpha’s that were here. That was the only positive. I was surprised I didn’t see my brother though. Probably off having another dummy spit about something. Cara POV “Oh come on, details!” Souraya, my work colleague and friend, pounces on me as soon as she sees me in the office on Monday. I rolled my eyes and smirked. Now that I can stomach food again and have had a s**t load of coffee, yes, the second one of the day already and it is only just past nine in the morning, I can laugh about Sunday morning. “I don’t know what you mean?” I tried with my smirk still plastered on my face. “Don’t you dare give me that. Was his body as good as it looked through the t-shirt that was barely containing anything?” I can continue to act like nothing happened, but knowing her she will not let me get any work done today until I give her something. “From my drunken haze I can confirm he was sculpted by the gods and knew how to use it. Now we have a meeting at nine thirty, so….” “I knew it! Are you going to see him again? Even just for a casual thing?” I couldn’t contain my laugh. “Hell no! It was good but definitely a one-time thing.” “Only once? Like hours once or a two-pump wonder?” “Definitely not a two-pump, just a weirdo the next morning. “ She screwed up her face. “Ah, one of them. At least you got rid of the cob-webs.” She winked and walked back to her desk. Cob-webs? Ha! It had only been about 6 months. You don’t get cob-webs after only a few months. I shook my head and got everything ready for the weekly report meeting. The following weeks were back to normal, with a lot less cocktails or weirdo’s. Normal until I got the strangest phone call. I awoke to my mobile going off. I looked at the time and it was just before midnight. I finally got to sleep early and this is what happens… typical. I looked at my phone and saw it was an international number. I did wonder if I should just let it go but decided to answer. “Hello?” I croaked out. “Hello, is this Cara Marino?” It was a woman with either an American or Canadian accent. Sorry, I can’t tell the difference when I’m still mostly asleep. “Yes it is. How can I help you?” “My name is Amira. I work for your friend Emily McDougal.” I’m awake now. I remember Emily telling me about Amira. It’s odd the way she described how Amira is now working at the place she is staying with her boyfriend. I was so happy when I heard that Emily was dating again and that she was happy. She deserves nothing but happiness after what she went through. “Yes. Emily has mentioned you. Is everything OK?” “Everything is amazing. I’m calling because Emily and Matteo are getting married in three days and they would like you to attend. We will take care of all the arrangements even at your place of employment. Are you able to attend?” “If you can get me the time off, of course. I have enough in savings to get flights there and back. Is accommodation taken care of or do I need to organise something?” “Oh no. We will look after everything, including your flights. Can I have your email address so I can send you the full itinerary?” “Absolutely…” So I give her my personal email address as my brain starts to properly process this. Emily is getting married in 3 days and her new fiancé is organising for all her family and friends to attend. Holy cow, she got a good one this time. Good for her. Maybe I can find a good one while I’m there as well. Hang on a minute. My brain is starting to register it better… Emily, who never makes any rash decisions. Emily, who taught me to do pro’s and con’s lists. Emily, who over thinks everything. Emily, who has been dating a guy for not even a month, is getting married in 3 days. What the hell? If it wasn’t for the fact that Emily had mentioned Amira and Matteo I would be calling the number back telling them they must have the wrong number. But I must admit I’m still wondering if it is her or if this is an alternative universe. Unknown POV A Royal Wedding? So The King found his mate again, good for him. I nodded as I read the invitation that had just arrived via messenger. For a human, I heard she did quite the disappearing act. Wolves and Lycan’s, of course, love the hunt. There was no way she was getting away for good. Kudos for trying though. I almost respect her for that. Almost, will see what she’s like. The King is the best man for the job though, so even if she was s**t, you probably wouldn’t ever know. He earnt my respect when we met as kids. Kid was tough as nails and smart as hell even at twelve. I was being a little s**t and he put me in my place, then offered me an icy pole. I was only five but already had an attitude thanks to my dad. As soon as I was born and they realised I was a Lycan, I was treated like a gift by the Moon Goddess by my mother. My father though, decided that I had to train and be taught to be a true Lycan from an early age. Guy was a f*****g d**k putting all that on a kid. Matteo saw what I was going through after walking in on my dad belting me. He never said a thing even when I then gave him attitude to let out my frustrations. He just tried to silently support me. I was lucky when my father was killed by my mother five years later. She had had enough. I didn’t realise he was actually laying in to her as well. If I had known, I would have tried to stop him. Mum took over as Luna until I finished university at 22 and took over the pack. She wanted me to try and have a bit of a normal childhood even though I was already f****d up. My brother had it easy then again he was very young when dad died. Dad still made him train and work hard, but luckily dad didn’t even give him a second glance, only ever giving him a back-hander here or there when he did. Sometimes I wonder if that’s the reason why he is such a d**k now? He thought he was too good to be beaten into a pulp, so naturally he deserves the world to be handed to him? I look back at the invitation. I really wish I could attend and see my old friend but I can’t. My mum, my rock and the backbone of the pack is ill, it is coming to the end of her time. It could be any day now I would lose her. I know The King will understand, I will visit him in a few months to apologise. Cara POV I got to work the next day to find an email with my approved leave for a month starting from tomorrow. Holy f**k! I was wondering if it was actually going to work out. I was in two minds this morning about whether I should speak to HR and let them know there would be a call coming in or what. Instead, it was all done and dusted by 9am. Ha! I can’t believe she is getting married and so soon. And the big one again is who the hell is she marrying that can organise all this and have such influence? I double checked with Amira last night on the phone and I was the only one from the office invited. Makes sense. She got along with a lot of other people in the office but more just in a friendly office colleague way. Whereas as soon as we met, our bad senses of humour had us instantly going out for drinks and clicking like old friends. I checked my personal email and found the itinerary. We were going by private jet that night! Again, who the hell is she marrying? I couldn’t help myself then and sent her a quick DM. “So what’s new? Keeping anything from me, old hag?”
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