The Tragedy and the Comedy

2140 Words

My bags are unloaded, my thair thrown up in a sloppy bun, my head pounding, and my sunglasses on to keep out the bright sun. It's like a scene from a movie about a dystopian society, how the rebel leaves and finds a new world that they are shocked by. I feel that way, how I've been gone for two weeks with no connections to the outside world and now I'm back. My phone feels as if it weights a ton, the wheel of the car unusual, and the smell of my mother's baking making me want to go ahead and get the freshman fifteen before college even starts. "Amory!" I smile, turning around as I am enveloped by his arms, a kiss placed upon my forehead as my heart warms up. Sparks fly everywhere, electrifying every fiber of my being as he spins me around. By the second I'm back on my own two feet, a slo

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