Chapter 6

1441 Words
Bella’s P.O.V Edward and I returned to the main house the following day. At the dinner table, Emmett and Carlisle were reading a newspaper. Emmett glanced up, grinning. “Finished so soon?” he inquired. Ignoring him, I asked, “Where’s Renesmee?” “She’s with Rosalie outside,” Carlisle responded. I nodded. Emmett asked, “Did you break stuff?” I shook my head. “Emmett. No.” I responded. Everyone chuckled except me. The phone rang. I strolled to it, curious about the caller. “Is it Charlie?” I inquired. “He’s been calling twice a day,” Edward responded. “We will have to tell him you didn’t make it,” Carlisle said. I shook my head. “Bella, he has been calling for days, wondering if you are okay,” Edward said. I nodded with a frown. "He needs to mourn Bella," Edward whispered. “Okay, we’ll tell him tomorrow,” I said. I returned to Edward’s side to stand with him. All nodded in agreement. “I’m going to miss this place,” Emmett said. “What do you mean?” I asked in a severe tone. “We have to leave. Everybody thinks you’re dead, and we can’t risk anyone seeing you,” Carlisle said. I nodded, expressing my sadness. It will be tough not seeing Charlie. Edward came over, touched my shoulder, and reassured me, “Don’t worry, Bella. Everything will be fine. You can still visit Jacob.” Jacob almost slipped my mind. I have to chat with him. “Yeah,” I responded. “Bella, let’s hunt for food,” Edward suggested. “Soon, I desire to see Renesmee.” “Bella, no. Remember, you need to hunt first.” “Edward, I can control my thirst,” I said. With swift vampire speed, I rushed past Edward, down the stairs, and out the door to meet Renesmee. I walked outside, headed down to Rosalie’s location, and saw her holding Renesmee on the ground. “Hey,” I greeted her. Rosalie saw me and walked over to put her in my arms. “Hey, Bella, I took care of your baby while you were gone, and now she’s yours,” she said. Since yesterday, Renesmee has grown even more prominent. She became even more beautiful. “Hey, beautiful,” I said. “I’ll be inside if you need anything,” Rosalie said before heading inside. “Okay,” I said. Rosalie entered; Edward passed her, then came to me, surprised. “Bella, you handle her scent so well,” he remarked. “I know I’m trying for her,” I said. Edward nodded and leaned down to kiss my cheek. We returned indoors and went upstairs to the living room. I took a seat, and Edward joined me. My phone started ringing in my pocket as soon as we sat down. I gave Renesmee to Edward and took my phone from my pocket to check the caller. It was Jacob. I stood up, walked downstairs to the front door, and walked out. “Hello,” I said. “Hey, Bella, I need to talk to you,” Jacob said. I looked at him with concern. “What do you need to talk to me about?” I inquired. “It’s about the treaty,” Jacob responded. “What about the treaty?” “Well, when I got home yesterday, I talked to Sam about you and our treaty.” “You told him I’m still alive?” “Not actually; I told him you are a vampire now.” “Yeah, that’s what I meant.” “Anyway, they don’t trust you being on our land if you come to visit.” “Why?” “Well, one, you’re a newborn, and two, you can hunt on our land.” “Oh.” “Yeah.” “So, does that mean I can’t see you anymore?” “No, I can visit, but Bella, I’m not done yet.” “What is it?” “Sam and I agreed that to visit our land, you must refrain from killing or hunting for a week. After that, he will allow you on our land anytime you want if you pass that.” “Jake, I would never hunt on your land or kill anyone.” “I know, but you must inform him about that.” “Okay.” “Are you okay with that?” “Yes, anything to see you.” “Okay, great. See you later. “Okay, bye, Jake.” I ended the call. I rushed back upstairs to the living room and rejoined Edward. He was holding Renesmee. Edward gazed at me, curious. “Who was it?” he inquired. “It was Jacob,” I responded. I grabbed Renesmee out of Edward’s arms and put her in mine. “What did he want?” Edward asked. “It’s nothing,” I responded. “Tell me.” “Okay, well, Jacob told me before he left yesterday that he couldn’t see me anymore because of the treaty.” “What about the treaty?” “Well, you know you can’t pass their land.” “Yeah.” “So now that I’m a vampire, they don’t trust me visiting them in La Push.” “I can see why.” “You don’t trust me either?” “I do. You’re a newborn, and it’s the right time.” “Then how can I visit Jacob if I can’t enter their territory?” “I don’t know, but you’ll have to figure that out yourself. Besides, it’s not a good idea. We agreed to avoid public visibility and to leave.” “I changed my mind. I’ll make an excuse if necessary.” “Alright. I’ll talk to Carlisle about the change of plans.” I nodded. “Okay. Jacob and I struck a deal with the pack. If I visit him on their land, I can’t hunt humans for a week,” I explained. “That’s a good deal, but when will you visit?” Edward asked. “He must inform Sam of my agreement with the plan.” “Okay, well, good luck. I can’t help you, so you must do this on your own.” “I know. I can do this alone.” Edward nodded, kissed my forehead, and walked out of the room. Jacob’s P.O.V After the call, I went to Emily’s to find Sam. Walking up to Sam and the rest, I greeted him, “Hey, Sam.” "Hey Jacob, have you spoken to Bella?" Sam inquired. “Yes, and she agrees with the deal.” “Good, so when is she coming over?” “I don’t know.” “You don’t know? Why don’t you get your phone out and invite her over?” “Okay.” I got my phone out and dialed Bella’s number. The phone rang, and she answered. “Hey, Bella, sorry for bothering you, but Sam is making me invite you now,” I said. “Okay. Now?” “Yes. Now.” “Okay, I’ll be over in a minute. Where do you want me to go?” “Emily’s because Charlie’s at my house right now.” “Okay.” “Bye.” “Bye, Jake.” I hung up. Sam looked at me, asking, “Is she coming?” “Yes, she’s coming,” I responded. “Great, we will be inside.” Sam then walked into the house while the others followed him. I only needed to wait for her. Bella’s P.O.V I ended the call and then found Rosalie in the kitchen. “Hey, Rosalie,” I called out to her. “Yes.” “Can you take Renesmee for me? I have to go.” “Sure.” “Thanks.” “You’re welcome.” Walking downstairs, Edward interrupted me at the door, asking, “Where to?” “I’m heading over to Sam’s, where Emily lives,” I responded. “Why?” “They want me over there. They want to start the deal now.” “Oh, okay, see you later.” “Wait, I need a car.” “There’s a car in the front, and here are the keys.” “Thanks.” I grabbed the keys and headed outside to the car. I approached the car, opened the door, and started the vehicle. Then, I shut the door and fastened my seatbelt. I then grasped the lever and pulled it towards me. I then left the driveway, starting the journey to La Push.
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