Good morning

809 Words
"Yes, Daddy!" He rubs his c*** up and down my sensitive slit getting it wet and causing me to shiver. When he penetrates me, he lets out a drawn-out moan. It was almost like he was dying to get in. He pushes my head down into the bed and begins ramming me fast and hard. He is hitting every good spot hard. I am at the point of screaming because it's so good. "Yes, yes, yes, Daddy, just like that. F*** me daddy!" He drills me even harder. I can’t move from the position he put me in, so I am forced to take everything. I scream as another o***** rolls through me. He doesn't let up and is sounding like he is getting close himself. He pushes in me, hard filling me up with his c**. It takes him a moment to free my arms, but once he does, I am grateful. I roll on to my side. "Thank you, Daddy. May I use your shower?" "Right in there, princess. You wore Daddy out. I am going to lay here for a moment." I get up and head to his shower. His bathroom is completely made of marble. He has a large shower with a rainfall shower head. I turn on the water and step in. It feels so amazing on my sore muscles. I end up using his body wash, scrubbing my body. I used his shampoo and conditioner, too. "I have a couple of towels here for you, princess. I have a shirt here you can sleep in, too." "Thank you, Daddy." I get out and towel dry my body.I find a blow dryer and dry my hair the best I can. Before I put on his shirt, I smell it. It smells so fresh and clean. I put it on and walked back into the bedroom. Daddy is sleeping in his bed, so I just climb in with him. He puts his arm around me, and I snuggle into him. "Good night, princess." "Good night, Daddy." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Waking up in Ross's arms feels so right. It feels like I am supposed to be here. I want to feel this every day. Not a minute after I open my eyes, his alarm goes off. He stops it and then rolls back over to me. "Good morning!" "Good morning, Daddy." He gives me a kiss on the lips. I cover my mouth once he pulls away. "Daddy! I have morning breath." He moves my hand and kisses me again. "Let's get you home so I can pick you up to go shopping." "Just drop me off a block away and give me 15 minutes to get dressed." "You got it, baby." I get dressed in my old clothes, and he drops me off down the block. I walk back and break into my room. The chair is still there, so she at least didn't come in here. I just put on a simple yellow dress. It makes me look like a little girl in a way. I decided to put my hair in braided piggy tails. I spray some sugar sweet perfume on and some pineapple lipgloss. when I walk out of the room, it's quiet. I will just wait for him outside. I go to walk out the door when I see mom drunk on the couch. There are two empty wine bottles on the coffee table, and her glass is still shattered all over the floor. Even all of the food is still out of the fridge from dinner. Nothing got cleaned up. Great more for me to do. I don’t know if I have ever been so mad at her. I leave everything and walk out the door. Thankfully, Daddy doesn't take too long. He looks surprised that I am outside waiting for him. I hurry and get into the car before he gets out. "You look so sweet today." "Thank you, Daddy." "Should I go in and talk to your mom." "She's passed out drunk don’t bother." "I am afraid I can't take her much longer. I have looked into a divorce lawyer. They said it could be messy if she doesn't agree to it or if I don’t catch or prove her of wrongdoing." "Will we still have a chance if you two are separated. " He is quiet for a moment. "That’s up to you. I want you in my life, but you will most likely take on more hurt during this. I don’t think she will take you being with her ex-husband so easily. " "Maybe my mom will finally let me go. At this point, I don't care if she hates me. I need to get away from her." " If. When I divorce her. Will you live with me when it's final?" I feel shocked by his question.
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