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An hour later: ''The children of our school are nuts. They are always ruining things for everyone!,'' Jackson grunted when we just sat on the couch at home. ''I know right. I don't get why they are acting so childish and selfish either,'' I sighed. Homeschool may be better sometimes, but it is more fun being at school. But that's not the case at our school. The teachers don't say a thing about classmates fighting with each other. Rather, they cover up all the fights because lots of students have rich parents, and they want to play it save, so they won't lose their jobs. But for me, school was about to be better and now, it's ruined again. ''At least we have some space now, and we don't have to go in and out all day, but still,'' Jackson said. ''We can spend more time together now. And you have more time to practise dancing.'' I said hopefully. ''And you have more time singing all day,'' Jackson smiled. ''Excactly.'' ''Okay yeah, I admit it. It's more fun to spend time at home than at school with all those nutjobs,'' Jackson said, smiling at me. We heard the door getting unlocked and Mother stepped into the house, this time still in a work dress, her eyes twisted with rage when she saw us. ''Aren't you guys supposed to be at school,'' she spat at us. I looked at Jackson. Did she not receive an email or a note from the school or something? ''Typical children of this generation, always skipping school when they get the chance too,'' she continued. Jackson stood up and wanted to say something, but I stopped him. ''Don't take your anger out on her now,'' I whispered. When I looked at Mother, I could see she had already got used to our presence and was chatting with someone on the phone. And with that, I pulled Jackson upstairs with me to my room, so he wouldn't scream or whatever do something stupid. ''Ava, what the heck are you doing??'' Jackson asked me. ''What do you think I'm doing? If Mother doesn't know anything about us having homeschool now, she would contact her new 'lover'. And then, we could check her recent text messages if she really has something with the principal,'' I said calmly. ''Oh yeah. Sorry I kind of overreacted,'' Jackson apologized to me. ''It's alright, I know how it feels,'' I said. At that moment, we heard Mother going upstairs and slamming the door of the bathroom. Jackson and I looked at each other and I quietly went off the stairs. I was so happy to see that Mother's phone was still on the table. But then I realized, I still didn't have her password... Jackson grabbed her phone from me. He tapped a code and the screen lightened up. He smirked at me. I rolled my eyes. We opened her recent text messages and saw that she just called someone for like two minutes. We rushed into our secret room when we heard Mother's footsteps. Father hired some people to create one, while Mother was on a work trip. The funniest thing is that she never found out about it. When we quietly sat down, my jaw dropped in realization. Our room was not only for fun. It's a security room too. ''Psst, Jackson,'' I whispered. ''What,'' he whispered back. I gestured to the security device. Jackson smiled with relief. I couldn't hear any sound from Mother, only from the television, so we're safe now. Jackson started the computer, and we put headphones on to hear it, without making any sounds. Just to be sure. If Mother calls us we may not hear it, and she will be suspicious of us, so I listened with only one ear. The recording began playing. ''Hey honey. What is it?'' a man said. ''Andrew, do you know anything about children having homeschool?'' Mother asked, a bit concerned. The principal's name is Andrew, and it sounds like him too... ''Yeah, that's right. Why? Is there something going on love?'' ''Uhm no. No, not at all babe. Just wanted to check haha.'' ''Okay. I'm sorry, but I am kind of in the middle of something...'' ''Oh, that's alright. Byee.'' Jackson and I put our headphones down and sighed. ''Now we know it for sure,'' Jackson said.
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