Chapter 70

613 Words

With his horse hitched to the rear of the little buggy, Nolan settled himself next to Julia and tried his best to appear relaxed. Inside he was a jumble of nerves, averting his eyes from every questioning glance. It wasn’t until they were well clear of the town that he allowed himself a long sigh and took to studying the surrounding countryside. “I didn’t see him,” Julia said without turning, her eyes set straight ahead. “Beg your pardon?” “The man who attacked me. I half expected to see him still lying in the street. Where d’you think he ran off to?” “Anywheres, I guess. As far from here as possible.” “How can you be so sure?” Shrugging his shoulders, Nolan puckered up his mouth before patting the Colt at his hip. “He wouldn’t be so stupid as to try anything like that again.” “He d

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