Chapter 56

703 Words

They brought them in, four men, bound, heads bowed as they traipsed through the fort gates. Apaches. None turned and reacted to the many derisory comments and sneers from the civilians lining up to watch them. Some of the cavalrymen who formed the prisoner detail laughed. Cole threw a sharp glance at the officer in charge. “Shut your men up, Lieutenant!” The young man turned away, shame-faced, and barked orders at his men. Disgruntled, the soldiers gradually fell into silence, but their scathing looks continued. Riding alongside Cole, the young trooper who had gone out into the plains to track down the motley looking Indians, leaned closer. “Mr Cole, I’m not sure we should antagonise any of my fellow-soldiers. If we hint at any sympathy for these here savages, then I’m likely to come up

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