Chapter 24

2482 Words

Stone spotted the dust cloud as he gained the ridge. They were a considerable distance from him, but there could be no mistake. Whoever had lit the campfire was coming his way. Pursuing him. From the amount of dust, he knew there were more than one, so that ruled our Roose. And they were riding fast. He wished he had Roose’s field glasses to pick out just who they were. Cursing his bad luck, he spurred his horse and broke her into a gallop, heading for the only place to go he felt safest – Reuben Cole’s. Sitting out on his sprawling veranda, Cole stared across the vast landscape bordering his ranch. Since the previous day, he felt restless, stomping around the big house aimlessly, ignoring the pleadings of Maddie to rest. ‘I’ve done enough resting,’ he told her and spent a lot of time cle

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