Chapter 22

1738 Words

From out of the far distance, Samuels heard something. It might have been the rustling of rats but something told him differently. He eased himself up to a sitting position, grunting with the pain lancing through his ribs. They’d beaten him expertly, pummeling his ribs and guts before stripping him, pressing the broad-bladed knife over his manhood. ‘It will only take a second,’ said the one in white, that s******c grin set like a permanent feature on his face. Using the blunt edge, he lifted up Samuels’ member. ‘A quick flick of this blade …’ He chuckled. ‘It’ll hurt, my friend. It will hurt a lot. So tell me all that you know.’ Within a few minutes, Samuels revealed everything. That there were two more men in his party, that he wanted no more of it, that Roose’s plan was to kill them all

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