Chapter 13

973 Words
‘Things were a lot different then,’ said Cole after both men had shared their memories of a quarter of a century before. He stared into the distance, recalling those images, the burning desire for revenge springing to life once more. ‘Darn it, I was different.’ I ‘And now it’s happening again.’ ‘Hardly the same Sterling. Those who have broken out of the reservation, they’ll be nothing like those others.’ ‘We never did catch up with the leader.’ ‘He died, I heard it say. Lone Wolf. Someone shot him and threw his body in a sunken hole somewhere down New Mexico way.’ ‘You believe it?’ Blinking, Cole frowned as he studied his friend. ‘What do you mean by that?’ ‘Just seems strange, that’s all. That these others have—’ ‘Didn’t you tell me that it was some young fella who stirred them up, persuaded them to break out?’ Roose nodded. ‘Well then, it ain"t gonna be Lone Wolf. Even if he didn’t die with a bullet in his brain-pan, he’d be as old as a coot by now. A shambling wreck. He’d be … good Lord, he’d be nearer ninety years of age.’ “They live a long time I heard it say.’ ‘Not that old, Sterling. And even if he was still alive, I doubt he’d be able to mount a horse and ride. He’d be old and tired and long past it.’ that long ‘Isn’t that what we are, Cole? Past it? Do you think we still have what it takes?’ He pulled in a ragged breath and something rattled in his chest, like nails in a rusty bucket. ‘I have to tell you, I ain’t sure. Maybe we’ve just outgrown this business, this land. This life.’ Unconsciously, Cole touched the rear of his skull and the heavy bandaging. He gave a chuckle. ‘You might be right there, Sterling my old friend. You might be right.’ For a moment the depressed atmosphere bore down on them both like a living thing. It took Cole an effort to shrug it off, but shrug it off he did, and he gathered himself, the lines around his eyes hardening. ‘Sterling, let me come with you. If you go out there in this state of mind there’s no telling what might—’ ‘No Cole! I told you, you’re in no state for riding out on the range,’ No Cole‘Oh, and you are? I took a bash on the head, Sterling, but you … What you have cuts a darn sight deeper than anything that’s happened to me.’ ‘You’re to stay in bed,’ it was Maddie, coming through into the bedroom after more than likely listening to their conversation from out on the landing. ‘You have to rest. Doctor’s orders.’ ‘Doctor can go—’ ‘No he can’t, Cole,’ she said, coming up close. She pressed a hand down on Roose’s shoulders. ‘I’m none too happy with you going either, Sterling. It’s dangerous.’ ‘No one else is prepared to do it.’ ‘It makes no sense.’ She swept up her skirts and flopped down on the bed. ‘So, they broke in and took a few things. None of it is worth dying for.’ ‘No one is going to die,’ said Roose, but nothing in the tone of his voice was convincing anyone. Maddie sighed. ‘You’re stubborn, Sterling. Stubborn and stupid.’ ‘You could just wait for me,’ suggested Cole, looking from one to the other. ‘That way we could track ‘em down together, and if there was any fighting then I could—’ ‘Trail will be cold by then’ said Roose, shaking his head but not daring to hold his friend’s eyes. ‘It has to be now. If they get away, they’ll be back. Yours ain’t the only big house stacked full of treasure.’ ‘Hardly treasure, Sterling.’ ‘You know what I mean. If we let ‘em go every young tearaway from here to Carson City will think they can just ride in here and do whatever they want. I have to find ‘em and bring ‘em to justice. You know that, Cole.’ Cole grunted, looked at Maddie and, shrugging his shoulders, raised his brows in acquiescence. She stood arms folded, watching them trot away, leaving Cole’s land, taking the well-worn trail north. She watched them until they were mere dots and, even then, she remained where she was, wishing it was all a dream, that she would wake up and find everything was as it should be. Safe. Normal. Normal.‘He’ll be all right.’ Turning she peered down the wide hallway to where Cole himself stood, rock still, a hand pushed out to support himself on the balustrade. ‘I wish I could believe you.’ ‘It’s not like it was,’ he said, trying his utmost to reassure her. ‘All them years ago, when we were out there, the world was different. A savage, untamed land, with dangers around every corner. It ain’t like that anymore.’ ‘I overheard you and what you were saying. There’s been a breakout.’ ‘Yeah, but even that is nothing—’ Maddie held up her hand and cut him off. ‘I heard you. Times are different. But I still don’t feel I can relax.’ One last glance outside, then she swung around and walked straight up to him, taking his face in her hands and kissing him. ‘You should be in bed.’ ‘If you’ll come with me.’ Cocking her head, she couldn"t help but smile. ‘You think you’re up to it?’ ‘Help these old bones up the stairs and I’ll show you.’
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