Chapter 72

1149 Words

“I’ll do what I can,” said Sheriff Perdew, standing on the porch, looking out to the street as the townsfolk ambled by. Next to him, Roose quietly smoked a cigarette. “Your record will set you in good stead, Sterling, and I must say I am relieved. Finding law-officers out here is next to impossible and there are plenty of towns that have no one to enforce the law. I think you’ll do well, and I shall endorse your application unreservedly.” “I’m obliged, Nathan. I truly am. I haven’t come to this decision easily, but I feel it is the right one. I’ve had a belly-full of riding across the range, hunting down people for endless weeks. My job for the Army is as a scout, but all too often I’ve needed to shoot my g*n. If I’m to do that I’d rather do it for the right reasons. Cole and me, we’ve bo

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