He Wouldn't Let This Slide

1345 Words
Chapter 2 Janet's body went stiff as her grandpa started talking. She stared at Mark, the man who had never really cared about her since the day she was born. Yeah, he didn't even look at her when she came into the world - just 'cause she was a girl. Now he was going to choose a husband for her. This one decision would change her entire life. She took a deep breath, trying to push down the anger and frustration growing inside. What could she do? She was helpless. "After a thorough process, we've selected the most outstanding candidate to be Janet's husband," Mark announced. "We hope you'll all bless the new couple!" Everyone started clapping, but the applause sounded mocking to Janet's ears. It felt like they were laughing at her. Her eyes stung as she battled back tears. Michael handed Mark a fancy envelope with the guy's name written on it. From what they found out, this dude was a total nobody. An orphan with no education, no manners, no home - just a completely useless guy. Worse, he showed signs of mental issues too. He was perfect for their plan though. With a loser like him as the husband, it guaranteed their grandkids would never be seen as real Alexanders! Michael looked excited as his eyes landed on Janet and her family. Mark opened the envelope and pulled out a card. "His name is Kelvin Ares!" The applause grew as everyone turned towards the door. It opened and a young man stepped inside. Janet's parents didn't even want to see who it was. They already knew this had to be the worst option. Kelvin scanned the room before walking further in. His eyes met Janet's for a second before she quickly looked away. Her heart was racing like crazy as a million thoughts whirled in her mind, but she tried to shake it off. As Kelvin crossed the hallway, all eyes were on him. His expression was unreadable - a weird mix of calm and scared. "Congratulations Kelvin! You're now married into the Alexanders family," Michael said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Like he was doing Kelvin a huge favor or something. Janet's dad gently took her hand and walked her over to where Kelvin stood, placing her hand in his. Michael smiled this mysterious smile as he started clapping again, and everyone else joined in. Janet's parents knew this whole thing was just to humiliate them and make them a laughingstock. By tomorrow, they'd be the talk of the town - and not for a good reason. People would be laughing at them. Janet felt like she might actually pass out. Her body was there, but her mind was somewhere else entirely. She couldn't even hear anything and had no idea when it finally ended. After the reception dinner, Janet's mom Debby rushed out of the hall, tears streaming down her face. She couldn't bear to watch her little girl go through with something she never wanted. Janet's dad James trailed behind, pushing his wheelchair. As the cool night air hit Janet's face, she finally snapped back to reality. Kelvin was standing beside her, wearing that same blank expression. His voice sounded raspy when he spoke. "I understand, and I don't blame you, sir," Janet said, still too stunned to process much. "Life must have been so hard for you too. You deserve to be pitied as well." His scary looks and the fact that he was older than her made her address him as "sir." But Kelvin stayed silent. To him, the girl in front of him was that same little girl from ten years ago. The one who made life seem delicious again with her kindness. She was still just as cool and good as ever. He'd been through hell, suffering all kinds of abuse, just so his dad and stepmom could be happy. "Well well, looks like my beautiful cousin is a married woman now. Congratulations!" came a mocking voice. It was Janet's cousin Charles, wearing a big fake smile. "Oh, what a great husband you got! Congratulations!" The sarcasm in his voice was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Janet frowned and bit her lip. She wished she could just punch that stupid smirk right off his face. "It wasn't easy for my dad and Uncle Thomas, you know," Charles went on, not caring at all about how Janet felt. He turned to Kelvin. "My dear good-for-nothing cousin-in-law, you should be grateful Father found someone willing to marry your pathetic self." He actually started laughing out loud at that, like the whole situation was hilarious to him. How could someone be so useless and worthless? "And you, cousin," Charles said, putting his hand on Janet's shoulder in this weirdly patronizing way. "You better make sure to be a good wife and keep the new hubby happy, you hear? Also, hurry up and start popping out kids for Grandpa. You know how excited he'll be to have more legitimate heirs!" Charles chuckled again. "Don't worry though - the Alexanders can more than afford to raise another family's brats if needed." "Are you finished, Charles?" Janet couldn't take his bs anymore. "Relax, cuz, I'm just giving you my well-wishes!" That fake smile again. "Hope you two lovebirds complete all the marriage rituals tonight too. We can't have Grandpa waiting too long for his pitter-patter of little feet!" "Shut up, Charles!" Janet almost raised her hand to slap that stupid grin off his face but stopped herself at the last second. "What's the matter, going to slap me?" Charles taunted. He knew she wouldn't dare. Hitting the eldest Alexander grandson could get her entire family kicked out and cut off for good. As much as Janet hated it, her cousin had been bullying her since they were kids and she could never do anything about it. Actually punching him back was just a fantasy. "You ungrateful little brat!" Charles sneered at her. "After everything my family has done for you freeloaders! I'm just trying to give you some advice and you want to disrespect me? If it wasn't for the Alexanders taking pity on you, your crippled father would have you all starving on the streets by now." Janet started shaking at his words. As much as she hated to admit it, he was right about their family's dependence on the Alexanders. Kelvin had stayed silent this whole time, but now he just glared at Charles with pure anger. The guy had no shame at all. Charles turned to leave but stopped and swiveled back around. "Listen Janet, you don't really have any choice here. This marriage is Grandpa's decision. But if you're that unhappy with it, I could put in a good word for you..." The tears Janet had been holding back finally spilled over. She couldn't stop them anymore. "What would you like me to do to him?" Kelvin finally spoke up. Janet looked at her new husband in shock. "I wish I could just slap him. Hard." Charles opened his mouth, probably to say something else shitty, but before he could get a word out, Kelvin's hand came up and slapped him across the face with an explosive c***k! Charles went sprawling to the ground, hands clutching his face in total disbelief at what just happened. Janet could see the imprint already starting to redden on his cheek. Even she couldn't quite believe it. Kelvin, the guy who had just married into their family tonight, had actually struck Charles, the precious eldest Alexander grandson. Janet was speechless and terrified all at once. "Charles...I...I don't know what to say..." God, Kelvin was going to be in such deep s**t for this. Charles would make sure of it. "Why did you do that, sir?!" Janet yelled at Kelvin, the only way she could think to address her new husband. "Do you have any idea of what you just did?" Kelvin looked completely unfazed. "I don't care. My wife told me to do it."
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