
1013 Words
*SNAP* The sharp sound of a broken neck, the metallic taste of blood that spreads in my mouth. This is the fifth one this week to succumb under my fangs. One less wolf to fight, one more shadow to pave the road to my own personal hell. Around me, the victorious howls of my pack leave me indifferent. I always win. Most of the spectators are in human form, but some, carried away by the excitement of blood and combat, could not stop the transformation. However, it doesn't matter what we look like. In this pack, we are neither human nor animal, we are monsters and I more than the others. I, Fury, the most feared and hated wolf of all. I am THE monster among monsters, born from hatred and pain. As I push the door of the cage where the fights take place with my muzzle, everyone moves away without me having anything to do about it. I terrify them, fascinate them and disgust them all at once. As often, an i***t tries to touch my blood-soaked fur, perhaps as a challenge or to gain the respect of his comrades. Without the slightest warning, I snap my fangs on his hand and crush his bones before continuing on my way accompanied by his faint whimpering. He will heal quickly, but will remember the lesson. With a small bored sigh, I continue to move forward at a slow pace with my head high, ignoring the wolves around me. Finally, I reach a woman sitting on a much more ornate seat than the others. Our Queen, our Luna... My tyrant. Her cold look and her sadistic grin show that the fight was to her liking. Good, maybe she will leave me alone for once. "Bow down, b***h!" Her nasal voice tinged with power gets on my nerves, but forces me to bow. She would never have anything else than my hatred, she knows it and compels me to obey by the bonds that bind me to her and to the pack. Her good-for-nothing Alpha being too weak to stand up to her, here we are with a sadistic and completely disturbed Luna at the reins of the pack and as a good little soldier I must obey at her beck and call. "I prefer that. It was quite a entertaining fight today. This young wolf was too weak, but at least he tried." As she laughs at this dead pup for her amusement, all members of the pack also start laughing in order to stay in her good graces and because they too are fans of this cruel spectacle. Out of the corner of my eye, I can nevertheless see two silhouettes silently retreating. Probably the parents of my opponent. My victim was not a prisoner or a wandering wolf, but belonged to our pack. Facing me is an compulsory rite of passage for any young wolf. The fight, set on a moon after their first transformation, is not meant to defeat me. That would be absurd. No, the aim of the future fighters is to stand more than two minutes in facing my assaults, otherwise my mission is to finish them off, because they are too weak to be useful. This is how life goes in our pack. When I was younger, years before my heart turned to stone, I tried to make the fights last, but the candidates were systematically executed, and I was punished so severely that I ended up bending to the rules. This gave at least a chance to those who had the potential to survive. Kill or be killed, this is our absolute law. La Luna Ivana suddenly stopped laughing and everyone followed. She then turned her attention back to me. She thoughtfully nibbled her lower lip, then a gleam lit up in her irises and I knew, alas, what awaited me. She stood up and spoke again. "Get up and follow me. Your reward awaits you..." I got up with difficulty, the anticipation of what awaited me paralyzing my legs. Such an announcement was made to stir up jealousy and envy, forcing the wolves to surpass themselves so that she would deign to look at them and reward them too. Oh, yes, she was sublime both as a human and as a she-wolf, but I knew her rewards too well and wished them to no one. Leaving the arena, I followed her, trying to be as unnoticed as possible. She, on her two legs, and me, always on my paws, like a master walks his dog. Her long red hair caressed her hips, which she purposely swayed to tease all the males of the pack. As she looked around, she finally set her sights on a wolf without a companion, although this would not have mattered anyway. In an instant the wolf was at her side, his broad hands walking over her. As Ivana whispered something in his ear, he directed his dark eyes at me and a twisted smile stretched his lips. Nausea came over me and my fur stood on my back as I instinctively exposed my fangs. The Luna suddenly turned her head towards me grunting and I submitted, which seemed to please the male who was with us. I didn't know his name, I just know that he was one of her favorites. I had seen him on a few occasions coming out of his room. One among others... A last turn and the house of the dominant couple appeared, although they only have the name of couple now. For years, the Luna had its own apartments, of which she made great use and rarely alone. I knew it well enough. Always leading the way, she led us into her bedroom and a shiver of disgust overcame me, but retreating was not an option. With a resigned sigh, I entered after them. I felt my she-wolf mentally preparing herself to protect my human side by all means. This night is going to be a long night and definitely not a pleasant one.
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