Chapter 3-1

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Chapter 3 The taxi ride this time was shorter. During the trip, the cab driver asked RJ or Pad if they wanted girls, young girls, boys, then young boys, as if reading a menu. Each time, RJ took the lead and said, “No.” Pad watched the sights of Bangkok as they drove. Signs in Thai with fancy curved writing appeared on the businesses everywhere. Once in a while, he would recognize an American corporate icon like Pizza Hut, Coca-Cola, or Burger King. Unlike Saudi, where the men and women dressed modestly, many of the local Thai men wore shorts and T-shirts, and the women had their heads uncovered and their arms bare. Every street they turned onto they heard the honking of horns and large groups of people walking, riding the bus, or other transports, a far cry from the desert expanses of Dhahran. After Pad and RJ reached a side street near Patpong, RJ paid the driver, then RJ took a slip of paper from his pocket and pointed to steps that they had to take, passing a woman praying in front of a teak spirit house. Chaz’s apartment was two flights up in a drab-green building with a metal roof. After they arrived at the correct step and confirmed the address, RJ knocked. Then repeated. The door opened a few inches. “Yes?” The voice sounded young, with a Thai accent. “I’m looking for Chaz. Does he live here?” “No Chaz here,” came the answer. “Sorry, my friend told me he lived here. Maybe you know him? He also goes by Charles Wolfson.” Another voice came from behind the door. “Ann let them in. That’s my friend, RJ.” The door opened wide, and behind it, stood someone both Pad and RJ assumed was Ann. Pad observed that Ann had an Adam’s apple, but other than that, she was dressed head to toe like the females at the hotel they just left, including makeup and a little pink eye shadow. Pad had little time to study Ann as a male voice yelled. “Buddy!” The booming voice belonged to a Viking-tall, strapping, blond man, built like a linebacker, who stepped out of the shadows of the apartment, barefoot, wearing a blue button-down shirt, and khaki pants. RJ hugged the blond man, who Pad assumed was Chaz, and as they disentangled, the other slapped RJ’s head. “Ow! What was that for?” shouted RJ. “That’s for not returning emails, dude.” “I’m a busy man.” Chaz nodded. “Who’s your friend, RJ?” “Oh, sorry. This is Padrick McLaughlin—Pad.” “Well, we can have fun with that.” Pad frowned. He didn’t like the idea of hearing jokes about Pad Thai, the main noodle dish. Chaz stepped forward and shook Pad’s hand, firm and warm. He towered over both RJ and Pad, carrying twenty, twenty-five pounds more than he should but attractive. His reddish-blond hair and large nose made him more rugged, an escapee from the beaches of the California surf. “RJ and I were in the same fraternity, so any friend of RJ’s is a friend of mine.” Pad mumbled thanks and glanced around. Ann eyed the three of them without saying a word. “And, this is Ann, my girlfriend.” Pad blinked. He had heard about the ladyboys of Thailand but didn’t expect to meet one so soon. Chaz broke the momentary silence. “Well, I guess we should head out; have to work tomorrow, so I can’t be late tonight guys.” “Oh, man,” RJ protested. “I flew all the way out here to hang out with you.” “RJ, I know better than that.” He dropped to a whisper. “I know you came here for Thai loving. I know I did.” As Chaz said that he winked at Ann who covered her mouth in modesty. RJ didn’t say anything and followed Chaz out. Pad walked behind both of them, and Chaz waved him ahead. Pad turned to see Chaz kiss Ann on the lips, and overheard him. “Don’t wait up. And if you’re going to the bar, I’ll see you there.” Pad didn’t hear Ann’s response because he continued down the steps where RJ waited. Within a minute, Chaz joined them. The three walked to Patpong, which was a few streets over. After a few minutes passed, RJ asked Chaz, “So, how long you been walking on the wild side, buddy?” “Shut up, RJ. Ann’s a nice girl. I’m helping her with her s*x change operation.” They dodged a bicyclist who went towards them. “And, besides, I don’t think you can talk. There were plenty of guys in college that sucked you off.” Shocked, Pad replayed Chaz’s comment in his mind as they walked. “Now, now, Chaz, you sound jealous,” RJ said. “Hardly. You were a big closet case then, and I’m sure you’re still one now.” Pad looked at RJ, noticed his face was red. Wow! How the hell was my gaydar off?
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