Big Slick.

1042 Words
Ace.   She was late. She was always late. Osly is going to kill me. Why am I always late? She bolted through the square, past the bell tower and down Harking street. Why was Osly calling me? After months of silence, he better have a good excuse. As she approached the casino, gun shots echoed through the air. Crap, Osly is definitely going to kill me now. She needed to hurry. Osly hated when she was late. Reaching for the handle, an ear-piercing crash erupted as a body flew through the street window, before a snap as he hit the pavement. Lowering her hands from the protective barrier they had formed around her eyes, she hazily opened them and staired frozen at the lifeless slump of a man that lay now in the middle of the road. Glass coated the path, glimmering as it hit the sunlight. The orange rusted dust that lined the streets created a foggy haze, disturbed from its slumber. Slowly Tammy approached the unmoving man, turning he face up as she reached him. He was stall, skinny and wore a large golf tiger pin on his right shoulder. Gold Tiger. Why are Gold Tiger here? Do they have a death wish? However, what stood out most was not the dent in his skull but the deep claw marks engraved in his stomach. They stretched right across his diaphragm and sunk deep beneath the skin. A single swipe was all it took. Rising to her feet from her crouched position, she looked back though the newly created gaping hole. There she stood. Her messy, thick white hair falling elegantly over her small pale face. White ears alert, with tuffs of fur peaking from the edges. Long sharp, pastel blue claws dripping with dark red blood on her dainty hands. Sharp, pointed canines resting on her red bloodstain plump lips. Bright gold, piercing eyes glowing through the dusty air. Fear shot through Tammy's body. Again, she was frozen but not from shock but terror. The girl radiated power. Tammy didn't stand a chance. She grabbed her revolvers from their hip straps and pointed them dead straight at the gorgeous monster that stood before her.  "You're late."   Glancing slightly left, ensuring to keep one eye on the target, she saw Osly. One hand in pocket, calm and collected as always.   King.   Typical. I should never have expected Tammy to be on time. Casually he strode forward looking at his old friend. It was so unusual to see her like this. She was frighted he knew that. While she seemed unfazed to the rest of the world, he knew. Little habits gave her away. The quickened breathing. Her fixed gaze. Two guns. Overkill. Mind you who wouldn't be scared after the show he had just witnessed. She had only caught the ending scene. A chimera huh. Half man, half beast. Original chimeras lived wildly, independently. They originated from Sucascky a far-off jungle covered land, where they built a civilization for themselves. A minimalistic one of gold temples, wooden huts and large farms that stretched for miles along the island coast. While the rest of the world had begun the industrial revolution, they stuck with what they knew. Chimeras aren't the smartest of beings, that was known but their strength was and still is unparalleled. They soon became quite sought after. Hunted and domesticated, they became pets for the noble and wealthy. When there were no more to enslave, countries began to breed them genetical using animal and human DNA cells. Unlike their predecessors, they were genetically modified to blend in. They could turn the beast off with the flick of a switch. They became an essential part of a nation defence force. Rawkdam was one of the rare places where they weren't seen as property. They were seen as scum, but just as much scum as the next being. Everything that lived in Rawkdam was seen as equally revolting. That was how the city worked. Osly had seen many chimeras in his life time, however none quite like her. As she was gruesomely ripping the men to shreds, she had seemed almost...arousing. He wanted her and he always got what he wanted.  "How about a job?"   "Huh, a job?"  she responded puzzledly as she wiped the blood from her lips roughly with the back of her hand, smudging it up her cheek. Her lips. He couldn't help but stair.  "Would you like to work for me?"   "For you?"   "Yes me."  She thought about it for a moment. She seemed apprehensive and slightly worried. I can guess why. The chain marks on her ankles had revealed enough. "How well do you pay?"   "Very well.", he smirked. Glad she has her priorities straight.  "I'll take it. Layla." Osly glanced down at the long nailed out stretched hand, before glancing back at her and raising both eyebrows. You trying to kill me?  "Oh sorry. Ha. Kinda forgot about those." The nails quickly retracted with the ears and fur puffs that had appeared. This terrifying form was probably only twenty percent of her power. I wonder what would have been left if she had run rampant.  "It's 'King' or Osly, if you so desire. Osly Hesler. It's a pleasure to have you in my service." The young girl stopped at this and thought. The name seemed familiar to her but she couldn't quite place where she'd heard it.  "No. No way in hell Osly." Tammy stood defiantly now in front of Osly.  "Tammy. Behave." Osly warned. Very rarely did Tammy go against one of his decisions but this seemed to have crossed the line.  "We don't know who or what she is. This is the most idiotic idea you have ever had. I thought you were looking for an Alchemist not a dog. SHE COULD KILL US AT ANY TIME. NO f*****g WAY IN HELL."  "Dogs tend to be loyal creatures. Besides I'd rather she be with us then against us. Look around Tammy. " With a quick scan of the remnants of the casino lobby, Tammy couldn't help but emit it. If any other gang got their hands on her. Joker would be finished.  "And I found my Alchemist already. Thats why I was here actually." stated Osly proudly before turning back to the young blonde boy.  "s**t!" and like that the boy took off through the casino. "Catch him.", Osly said lazily to his newest employee. The boy didn't make it far. He was dragged back within seconds. No one could out run Layla. "Now, you must be Nathanial Darvey. Pride and joy of the Clattiors Alchemy Academy, until puff! You vanished. Just like that, no where to be found. So imagen my surprise, when a little bird told me you we're here. Wiping tables and moping floors, in my very own casino. Unbelievable right. You can put him down now my dear." With a thump Layla dropped him. Pleased with her performance she sat herself down on one of the unbroken velvet chairs. "I've gone to quite a bit of bother to find you." "I've gone to quite a bit of bother to stay hidden", Nate sulked. "I guess that means I've won this round. Instead of hide and seek shall we play something else. This time we could be on the same team." At this Nate scowled. "What kind of game?" "Kingdoms. Winner takes all, and I always win."

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