Chapter 26-2

1551 Words

Mom grabs the remote and pauses the movie, turning to me and grabbing my good hand in hers. “Molly, he can’t reject you. You know this.” “I know.” I tell her, trying to hold back tears. “But that doesn't mean he has to mark me. He could just live his life without a mate.” “That man is out in Rogue territory with your brother trying to find a way to heal your hand while keeping you safe.” she begins, squeezing my hand. “Those aren’t the actions of a man planning to leave you.” I know she’s right, but my fears have been so prevalent my entire life that it’s hard to believe it’s really not an issue for him. I’d bring nothing to this relationship, much less the kingdom. I may as well be human. I take a deep breath before deciding to let go of the matter for now. “Will you help me do

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