Chapter 13-2

1003 Words

He takes a towel and wraps it tightly around my finger, squeezing to apply pressure to it. “Do you all have a healer that can help you?” and I know he means help humans, because I heal like one, but at least he had enough sense to not say it. “Yeah. Sofia has been stitching me up for years” I say with a smile. Dad took me to her the first time I cut my knee badly and needed stitches. She didn’t have anything to numb it because wolves don’t typically need it. She was a nervous wreck while she stitched me up and Mom had to send Dad out of the room. The second time I fell and cut my elbow, we discovered that she had been studying healing humans and had many more things on hand for me. She was able to numb me that time and the handful of other times since. “How many times have you been

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