Chapter 12-1

1079 Words

I try to hold in my emotions but I’m unable to. I’m not even sure what exactly I’m feeling other than anger. I know the emotions are there, but I’m just too mad to even deal with anything else right now. “Deep breaths” I’m telling myself in my head, over and over. I don’t want to meet my dad at the falls with tears still staining my cheeks. To Seth’s credit, he may be an ass, but at least he’s not a complete i***t because he’s smart enough to not even try to talk to me. I know he’s struggling to keep up with me. I've heard him fall a few times on the rocks that I haven’t bothered to tell him are wet. There’s some mud up ahead and you can be sure I’m not going to point it out to him either. I step across the mud and a few steps later I hear him slip and hit the ground. I also feel

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