Chapter 49-1

983 Words

Seth returns to the cabin, walking into the bedroom, surprised to see me up and dressed.   “You really are ready to get out of here, aren’t you?” he says with a sympathetic look on his face and I just nod in return.   He walks over and goes to put my shoes on me, but I smile at him and hold my hand up, reminding him of my healed hand.   “I keep forgetting,” he says with a smile and hands them to me. “You’ve had to help me since we met,” I point out with a smile.  “You’ll get used to it.” “I’m happy to, though,” he tells me gently.  “You know that, right?” “I know,” I say, as I finish tying my shoes.   “You all have a good talk?” Robbie asks Seth.   Seth looks at him seriously and nods.  “I think we’ve come up with something.  I’m comfortable with it, but I’ll need to talk to Molly

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