Chapter 6

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I almost cave, but we’re too close to think clearly, and I need to tell him the endless list of problems we have with being together. “Later,” I whisper because it’s as much as I can squeak out with him so close. He takes a deep breath as he pushes his weight off me, but he still stays where he is, towering over me. “Later,” he whispers back to me while we both take a moment to regain our composure. “Are you ready?” he asks after a moment, and all I can do is nod. He steps back and waves his arm out, motioning for me to go in front. I walk to the kitchen door with him behind me before I turn to him. “Thank you for walking down with me.” “You’re welcome. Are you sure you’ll be up for dinner?” “Yeah, Dad will drag me up there if I try anything,” I tell him, and he smiles. “Good. I can’t wait to see you again.” He says, grabbing my right hand and bringing it to his mouth for a kiss. ---------- “I’m surprised you weren’t in here sooner,” Oliver says with a smirk as I step into the kitchen. “I can’t believe you’re making another appearance. Don’t you trust me?” he says, faking hurt. “Oh, Oliver. You know that I don’t.” I respond jokingly and stick my tongue out at him. “How was the ceremony?” He asked. “It was an Alpha Ceremony. Nothing amazing, kinda boring, there’s a new Alpha.” “Oh really? Because I heard our dear Alpha Robert punched an Alpha visiting from another pack.” “Umm, technically that happened before, so he wasn’t Alpha Robert… yet,” I tell him with a smirk. “And it wasn’t exactly a punch.” “You want to talk about WHY Robbie was punching people you walked by just before being named the Alpha?” “No. Not really. But you know how it is being me. Someone always says SOMETHING.” I’m exhausted from the day and don’t want to think about anything. “So, how’s it going for dinner? Can I help out?” “Molly, I’m capable of running this.” “I know, I know you are. I’m here to help if you need me. I’m not taking over for you.” “I think we’re good. Honestly, someone decided to delay the dinner a few hours while they were running away from their very attractive mate, which gave us more time to prep. I assume you’re not ready to talk about that?” he questions me. “No. Maybe. I don’t know. It’s just so much to take in. I think tonight is the first full moon I’m glad to be left out of.” “If you want me to stay with you to talk, just let me know. I really don’t mind.” “I appreciate it, Oli. But I need some time alone just to think. It’s been really overwhelming.” “You’re really not going to mention that your mate is the prince?” “Nope. I’m not ready to even think about that. It just complicates things even more. I don’t know why he hasn’t already rejected me,” I tell him, looking around. Everything appears to be going very well for my brother’s dinner. “Molls,” Oliver says to get my attention while I’m looking around the kitchen and sighs, not saying what I know he wants to. “Why don’t you sleep in tomorrow, and I’ll handle breakfast.” “I’d hate to do that to you. There’s a lot of people with all the visitors staying tonight.” I tell him, feeling guilty about throwing a second meal service on him. “Honestly, I’d appreciate the chance to show the new Alpha that I can fill your shoes. When you’re marked, you’ll be moving with Prince Seth, and I want to prove that I can handle this.” I hadn’t considered leaving with a mate, ever. Seth will come to his senses at some point and finally reject me, but Oliver is right. He’s not had many chances to prove himself as head chef. I know he’s completely capable and deserves the chance, but he needs to show Robbie. “Ok, Oliver. Breakfast service is yours. And if, by some miracle, Seth doesn’t reject me, I’ll put in a good word with the Alpha- though I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” I tell him with a small giggle. It’s weird to think my brother is the Alpha we’re talking about. I turn to leave but have an idea for tomorrow. “I’m just going to check and see if we have the stuff to make something tonight during the run, and then I’ll leave.” “Thank you,” he says. “I promise it’ll be amazing. You should change and show the prince all the reasons he shouldn’t reject you. Go put on something sexy and wow him.” I turn to the pantry to check for the ingredients I’ll need. I look around and then move to the fridge and verify that everything I need is on hand. I turn, walk out the door, and head down the hall to my suite. I’ve worn two dresses today, and neither of them was really my choice. It’s been a long day, and I decide to do as Oliver suggested. I walk in and go straight to my closet, looking around. I find a dress that I love and while it’s probably a little bit too formal, I decide to go with it anyway. I head to my bathroom and pull my hair back so it’s finally off my shoulders. I put on a little more makeup to darken my eyes just a tad more and switch from a nude to a red lip. The dress is an off-the-shoulder black satin dress in a mermaid cut. It’s basic but classy and feels much more like how I would usually look. I pull out some black strappy heels and look at myself in the mirror. I realize I need to put on a necklace and select one that was handed down from my mom, that was her mom’s. It’s a white gold necklace with just a lot of diamonds, but it dresses up the dress that’s so plain. I look in the mirror, and it’s perfect. I look and feel like myself, and my parents will still be pleased. But then the thought comes that I wonder what Seth will think. With a sigh, I stop just a moment to think about everything that has happened today. I never actually thought I’d have a mate, but if I did, I was sure they would reject me on the spot. I was prepared for it. Instead, I have a mate who is a prince and has not given any indication that he plans to reject me. He hasn’t thought things through, though. He has a wolf, so what he’s feeling from our bond is probably stronger than what I can, and it’s a lot. I don’t have a wolf, and I can’t shift. The only wolf I can mind link is my dad, and it’s probably only because he’s the Alpha or was. I’m not built like a wolf. What if I can’t get pregnant with the heir to the kingdom, or worse, what if I can’t carry a wolf pregnancy? The entire wolf kingdom will surely not accept me and probably wouldn’t accept Seth as King for keeping a broken wolf as a mate. He does seem kind, though. I’m not sure what he was told about me before I made it to Dad’s office earlier, but he’s friends with Robbie, so he has to know a lot. He’s reassured me a few times today that he won’t reject me. He called me “his” earlier, making my heart flutter with hope. And the way he was pressed against me in the hall was more than I could have hoped for. I sigh. There’s not much I can do now, and I need not worry about it. I am who I am, and while he’s given me some hope, I don’t want to have my heart crushed when he realizes I’m no good. I will just have to go with it and see what happens. It’s out of my hands. And with that, I decide to head upstairs and find my family. And maybe my mate. I still don’t want the whole kingdom to know, but I enjoy being near him. I reach the door to the dining room and can hear that everyone is already inside. I crack the door and slowly slip in, hoping to go unnoticed, which I didn’t need to worry about since everyone was walking about mingling and hadn’t been seated yet. I see my mom across the room and head towards her. I haven’t been able to spend time with her since meeting Seth. I just need her hugs. “Hi, Mom,” I say as I approach. “Oh, Molly. You changed clothes. You look lovely!” she tells me, genuine in her compliment. “You look stunning,” I hear from my side and see Queen Audrey as she approaches me. “That lip color suits you.” I can’t help but glow a little as not only the queen, but also my mate’s mother complimented me so generously. I remember myself and bow. “Thank you, Your Highness. I feel more myself with the red.” I should have stopped there, but I never know when to quit talking until it’s too late. “Truthfully, I don’t wear much makeup.” “Oh, really, dear? Because you wear it so well.” “I appreciate that,” I tell her. “I don’t wear it often, but my mom taught me well.” “How are you doing, dear? I know it’s been a pretty exciting day for you,” Queen Audrey asks me. “I’m ok, ma’am. I’m looking forward to some time alone tonight to think about everything while you all go for the run,” I tell her honestly. My mom realizes I’m not quite sure I’m ok and comes to my side to hold me in a hug. “I’m sure it’s been a bit overwhelming, finding your mate and realizing he’s so damn attractive,” and that’s just what I needed to calm me some. I start giggling, and with the stress of today, I just can’t stop. I smell him and then feel his hand on my lower back. He comes to stand on my other side and pulls me to him. “What’s so funny?” Seth asks me. “Just some girl talk,” Queen Audrey says to him, probably to be sure I wouldn’t tell him my mom was drooling over him. Again. Seth releases me, and I suddenly feel sad, but he steps forward, hugs his mother, and kisses her cheek. He releases her and turns back to me, grabbing my hand. “Take a walk with me?” he asks, and I nod. He leads me outside to the balcony, which is not nearly as crowded. It’s a little chilly but feels like a perfect fall night. “You look absolutely stunning,” he says when we reach the railing and stop. “Thanks,” I respond. “It’s the first dress I got to pick for myself all day.” “It’s perfect, Molly. You're perfect,” he says as he places his arm behind me and pulls me to his chest. “The Goddess blessed me when she made you,” he murmurs into the top of my head, and I let myself sigh and just be content for a moment. This moment feels so perfect. If he rejects me, at least I had this precious moment. “I honestly wasn’t sure you’d be back upstairs,” he tells me. “I take it everything was ok in the kitchen?” he asks. “Yeah, all was well. Dinner was going well, and Dad’s cake was still good,” I say, realizing I let the surprise slip. “Don’t you mean your brother’s cake?” He inquires, looking down at me. “I mean, I didn’t check on that one. I assumed they could handle it. But there’s a surprise for my dad, too,” I tell him, placing my finger on my lips, indicating it’s a secret, and he smiles at me. “I’m going to skip the run tonight. My parents will be there. That will be enough for the people,” he tells me, and I realize that he’s worried about me being alone. “Umm, I have plans tonight now,” I tell him nervously, and he raises an eyebrow at me. I can tell he’s not happy, so I try to explain. “Sorry, it’s nothing exciting. I’m going to lock myself into my suite and bake. It helps me relax and think clearly.” “I’m worried about you being alone.” He tells me. “I know. Being around someone with a broken wolf is new for you, but it’s been my whole life. Do you think my dad would leave me here alone if he didn’t think I was completely safe?” I ask him, and I can tell he’s considering it. “Please don’t miss out on something that would make you happy just for me. I’ll feel terrible if you do.” “But what if something happens to you while we’re all out?” he asks, and I realize there are things he doesn’t know about my situation. “I can mindlink my dad, and maybe my brother now that he’s Alpha. I promise I’ll reach out if anything happens.” I can see that this knowledge relaxes him. “OK, but make sure your dad knows I’ll always be near him,” he says, and honestly, the thought that he cares so much but is still respecting my decision warms my heart. “I will. And thank you,” I tell him, pulling him down towards me and kissing his cheek. I hear a low growl from him, and he places his forehead on mine. “Aren’t you worried someone will see?” he asks me teasingly, but I can tell he’s serious with his inquiry. “A little, but I’m trying,” I tell him, and we stand like that for a while- being alone together in the quiet. “If we stay like this much longer, everyone will be able to smell me on you,” he points out. “It’s OK,” I whisper to him as I break the contact with our foreheads, but only to lean into him, reaching into his jacket to embrace him and placing my head against his chest. He lowers his chin to the top of my head, and we stay just like that until they announce for everyone to take their seats for dinner. “Do you want to go in before me, and I’ll follow again?” he asks me, and it’s so kind and considerate of him. “No, I don’t think I do,” I tell him as we finally separate from each other, but I place my hand inside his. He looks down at our hands and then up at me. “Are you sure? People will definitely see.” “I know,” I tell him. “I’m trying to trust you. I’m trying to be brave.” He beams at me with the biggest smile and leans over to kiss my head before squeezing my hand and leading me into the ballroom.
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