Chapter 4-2

1679 Words

“I not sleepy,” Ami whined, yawning and rubbing at her eyes. “Of course you aren’t,” Destin teased, reaching into the transport and pulling Ami out of her seat. Razor paused beside him, frowning. “Honestly, I don’t know how you kept her awake all the way back,” Kali remarked, chuckling when Ami shook her head and clung to Destin. “It was the tickle monster,” Destin replied, rubbing Ami’s back when she laid her head against his shoulder. “Tickle monster,” Ami repeated. “She will miss you when you leave,” Razor said. “Wait here.” “What’s wrong?” Kali asked, glancing around. “I’m not sure,” Razor murmured, turning in a slow circle. Destin felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on edge. He motioned for Kali to take Ami. The little girl must have sensed something was wrong as well.

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