Chapter 5-2

2779 Words

Destin paused in front of the doorway leading out into the back courtyard. In the far left corner of the garden, the gate that led to the path he had used this morning was open. Faint sparks still flickered from the destroyed locking device. Near the center of the garden, the shadowy figure of one of the intruders warily scanned his surroundings while moving toward the wall. Destin silently moved away from the door to the window. A grim smile curved Destin’s lips when he saw a brief glimpse of Razor. The Trivator rose from behind some shrubs near the wall. In seconds, both Razor and the man had disappeared behind one of the trees. Destin saw four more shapes moving in the darkness. It wasn’t that difficult to see them considering the second full moon was beginning to rise. Note to self,

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