37. The Unbreakable Promise

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Yuki fights in a sophisticated yet powerful way, which makes her look beautiful amidst an intense scene. She seemed to be dancing as she swirled her blades around while her movements created little blizzards in various locations across the battlefield. But anyone can tell that each of her moves has the potential to throw the whole universe into disarray. The motions of her body were etched into my memory in the hopes that I would be able to put them to good use when I returned to the current time. I wasn't sure whether I'd be able to pull anything like that off, though... As I tried to understand how Fuyumi's fighting techniques work, I sighed. Given that Yuki is still alive at this age, it goes without saying that I will not be able to utilize the ones that I have become used to. Aside from that, I'm in Fuyumi's body. I have to figure out how to use her skills in some way, or else I'm going to mess up. Oh, this is so frustrating. It was originally planned for Fuyumi to join the front lines, which only serves to complicate an already complex scenario further. "Ivory, are you okay?" Yuki asked when she saw me sighing heavily. "Yes." I got to my feet with a nod. "It's just that I'm having a hard time getting accustomed to this new...ability." "Ivory, you don't have to be worried about it for now. Perhaps you can try to fight leisurely. Although I'm not sure whether this would be of assistance with your particular situation, you may continue to fight in the same way as you have in the past. The capacity to manage ice and snow was something Fuyumi and I was both born with. For Fuyumi, on the other hand, the process of creating ice is somewhat different from the others. She started by controlling the water element, but she quickly found a technique to turn it into ice, which she used to her advantage." "Oh? Then I'll have to figure out how to create water to make the most of her abilities?" "Yes, but also no," she responded, a remorseful grin on her face. "Fuyumi is still able to create powerful techniques with the water element. But if you wish to preserve her image as the Winter Warrior, then yes." "Still, how can I make it into ice? That is what I need to know. You said that Fuyumi is referred to as the Winter Warrior, right? It would be strange if I solely used the water element from that point on. It would be difficult for me if the people began to suspect me..." I whispered, hoping that she might be able to assist me. "I'm sorry, Ivory, but I am really unsure of such things. I'm really amazed as to how Fuyumi was able to pull it off so flawlessly." "All right, I get it." I smiled at her to reassure her that everything was okay, but she still appeared worried about me because she knew I was overthinking again. For the time being, I will have to work out Fuyumi's skills on my own. Since I need to focus, I'm going to leave Yuki alone for the time being. I believe she is also in need of some alone time. Besides, I am aware that the twins are just around this place and are now on the lookout for danger. When I was on my way to a location that I don't believe I'd ever seen before, I kept attempting to make water with my palm. For some reason, I continue to treat it as if it were slime. It was enjoyable to create, but I'm at a loss on what to do next. Even though it's simple when I conjure ice, it's more challenging when I want to construct anything solid out of it. Despite this, I am not shocked. It is liquid, after all. "How am I even supposed to accomplish this...?" I mumbled as I experimented with various water-based shapes and forms. When I realized how tough this was going to be, I sighed. Seriously! I saw Dylan's manipulation of the water element, but the thought of approaching him and asking him how he made weapons out of it never occurred to me. Not only that, but I also have to freeze the water to make it usable again. But I do already have an idea of how to go about it! It's simply that I'm not sure whether it will be successful or otherwise. When I realized that I wasn't making any progress, I decided to take a temporary break from the situation. I naturally mastered the art of regulating ice and snow, but this is a whole new situation altogether. Perhaps I should only make the figures in my head rather than physically forming them. That's how I accomplished it with ice, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to replicate it with water. I got back on my feet, this time with no idea where I was going. But I found myself unexpectedly at the beach! It had a very familiar feel about it. Aside from that, the calm waves gave me a nagging sensation of impending danger. There were no waves at all, which was strange, to say the least. Not only that, but it was also unusually silent. But I continued walking near it since I felt everything would be fine. In any case, I tried to carry out the idea I had previously. That's right! By sculpting solid forms in my brain, I was able to make solid figures. I shaped daggers and spears out of the sand and tossed them softly into the beach. I smirked and attempted to convert them into ice by using the nitrogen on the ground. It was challenging since the process of compressing them and converting them to liquid nitrogen was time-consuming. This isn't going to cut it! I have to quickly transform them into ice to keep them from melting. Oh, this is causing me a lot of anxiety! The reason behind Fuyumi's desire to generate ice out of the element she was initially wielding is unclear for me right now. When I couldn't figure out what the best approach was, I pouted and sat on the beach, frustrated with myself. Although the sand was really rather nice to sit on, I had the impression that I was always in danger. "There's something wrong..." I swore under my breath and began to walk into the water for a footing. Although there was not anything on the sand, I was unable to locate any possibly deadly insects. Something strange was there, and it was a lot weirder because I swear I could sense the presence of something under the sand. And when I discovered what it was, I was on the verge of losing a body to stay in! Oh, gosh... "f*****g hell. That was close..." I whispered as I rose to my feet. My back hurts so much. "Damn, I really landed on my back." The truth is, I didn't manage to avoid the onslaught of the sea monster that rose from where I was resting down. It was the head of a blue...giraffe-like creature with a lower body that resembled a shark's, and it was rather frightening. What is this in the first place? I took a closer look at it, wondering what kind of creature it was and whatever the hell the head was doing under the sand. "Are you okay?" a familiar lady asked me as she assisted me in getting up. "Yes..." When I recognized who she was, I looked at her with tears in my eyes. Scylla... "I'm relieved..." she muttered as she heaved a sigh of relief. "Please accept my heartfelt apologies for what Kio has done to you. Considering that your attacks had broken his sleep, I believe he was just annoyed." "Oh..." I muttered as U fixed my gaze on Kio. "Please accept my apologies for what I did as well. I was completely unaware..." Kio, the sea monster, sank to the bottom of the ocean almost quickly. As I stared at Scylla, I let out a sigh. She seemed to be in excellent health, which made me feel sorry when I remembered what had happened to her. But I don't believe I will be able to do much about it at this time. All I have to do now is maintain my regular demeanor and enjoy spending time with them. She might not be aware of it yet, so I should not do anything that could make her feel gloomy. I just wish that she would enjoy her life right now... "It has been quite some time since we last saw each other, Fuyumi. How have you been doing lately?" she asked as she smiled at me, sounding enthusiastic as ever. Oh, she knows Fuyumi... I cleared my throat, afraid that I would stutter. "I have now become a member of the revolt." A deafening silence followed after that, making me realize that Scylla was aware that the person before her was not Fuyumi. I was afraid that she would react badly, so I looked down. "The truth is..." "You do not have to explain. My name is Scylla, and I am the chosen maiden..." she trailed off. "My personality isn't especially captivating, but I can order aquatic animals at will." "That explains why you were familiar with the sea monster known as Kio." She smiled and nodded. "Having stated that, may I inquire as to what may have brought you to this beach?" "I was merely following my instinct. Thank you for your understanding, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has given you. Don't worry, I'll be leaving shortly." She chuckled at my response. "Please remain in place for the time being. It might be destiny itself sent you to this place, so I hope you'll stay for a while. In any case, I may be able to help you with your problem!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement. "Oh, were you watching me the entire time?" After nodding and looking at the damp section of the sand, Scylla turned his attention to the ice daggers. In a split second, she was able to make them disappear. As it turned out, they had been eaten by the sand, which led me to believe that there was still another sea monster lurking nearby. Wow, she has incredible strength! Sea creatures are impossible to control, yet she manages to do it with ease... "Should we get started?" she asked. I nodded, although her remarks baffled me. She appeared so serious about what she said, and I'm not even sure where to begin. I've previously done all I can and am now at a loss on what to do next. But I opted to put my faith in Scylla because she seemed to be trustworthy. I am pretty sure that she is already acquainted with Yuki, so I didn't have to be concerned about her suddenly attacking me. Scylla instructed me not to be disorganized whenever I attacked, and I did what she taught without hesitation. I was alright with my messy motions, but I had a lot of fun trying to keep up with Scylla's pace. It was a bit too difficult, though. She finally showed me how to make better weapons out of the water, which I was really grateful for. I honestly didn't realize there was a simpler method to create them until I discovered this... It didn't take long for me to start making ice at an incredible rate that no one could have predicted. Apparently, there are air pockets filled with liquid nitrogen across Artemia, which makes sense. They are very little and cannot be seen with the naked eye, but those who are aware of them will be able to find them with some ease. Scylla taught me how to tell the difference between them and how to put them to use. "These are referred to as ice plumes here." I blinked twice in quick succession. "Eh? Ice plumes?" She nodded. "You heard correctly. Now, at least two pockets may turn a whole person into ice, so proceed with care while you are busting the ice. Setting that aside, I'd want to see you make an effort to complete it on your own, without my support." I nodded and followed her instructions. I gradually got the hang of it, which made me crack a smile. At long last! I had finally gotten rid of the frustration that had been weighing on my shoulders. Damn, I really thought I was going to have to go out of my way to make liquid nitrogen. That's...embarrassing, now that I come to think about it. That would have been hella time-consuming. As soon as I learned the technique, I decided to take up a position beside Scylla. She was looking at me with a smile the whole while she was riding on the back of a gigantic turtle. When I saw her applauding, I was happy with myself for making such strides. I, for one, am pleased with the outcome. I owe her a debt of gratitude in some way. "Ivory, you are an exceptional student!" Scylla exclaimed as she held my hand between hers. I cracked a smile. "Is there anything I can do to express my gratitude?" "Perhaps you'd be ready to do me a little favor in exchange for this?" she asked, her voice sly. "Yes," I replied, chuckling a little because of the tone she used. "As long as I am able to do it, I will." "The present rulers of the kingdom of Artemia must be assassinated in order to restore order to the empire. And that is exactly why I want you to take care of them." Ah... I bowed my head, trying to keep a smirk from appearing. The reason why I'm putting up with everything is that it is exactly what I'm trying to achieve. That is, assassinating the three monarchs, to be precise. I regained control of my emotions before returning my gaze to Scylla. She was undoubtedly aware of my intentions, but she wanted to be certain. Alright, I'll give her that. "I'll do it. Scylla, I pledge to you that I will not disappoint you. Please believe me when I say that I will not breach this vow, no matter how much time passes. I will serve justice to Artemia even if it means having to lay my life on the line. Shall we seal this promise? Right here, right now..."
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