26. Farewell To The Nymphs

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Everyone's yells rang in my ears, and I felt an uncontrollable wave of power overwhelm me. A strange phenomenon began to manifest inside my body, driving me to push myself beyond my comfort zone. No, this is a lot more dangerous than I think. I am well aware of the limitations of my body, and pushing it to this point will almost certainly result in death. Even though I was aware of this, I couldn't stop myself. It was as if I just woke up from a deep slumber and now bear a strong desire to destroy. "Please, Yuki, don't do it..." "I am not...Yuki..." Just as I was about to jump up to destroy the trident, something came from the water in the blink of an eye. There was a lady standing on the crest of the waves, directing the movement of the waves as she pleased. Then I saw a lady strode by me from my peripheral vision. She was heading in the same direction the person above the waters was. Scylla and Charybdis, the chosen nymphs... The two of them sat next to each other, their arms swinging like choir leaders. Sea monsters appeared around them, creating a protective ring around them as they prepared to strike. We were barely a few hundred meters from the edge of the trident when a big vortex emerged in the water. It looked like a whirlpool, but it doesn't seem to be one... My jaw dropped as I witnessed the whirlpool that somehow looked like a black hole pull the trident into itself. Indeed, the two wield a vast amount of power. It's no surprise that the two of them were able to fight alongside Yuki, destroying naval fleets after another. But that's not the point right now. They just... "What...was that?" Blake asked as he looked at me. All of us couldn't believe what was happening in front of us. "This is the power of the nymphs who were selected by the sea itself, Your Highness," Shiro told me as he stood alongside me. "These two were very important for your journey to be successful. However, this is the end for them." "What...?" I asked as I fixed my gaze on him. Shiro remained deafeningly silent. Instead, he peered directly into the eyes of the two ladies who were just finishing up in the whirlpool. When they were abruptly taken into thin air, I felt as if my heart was ready to explode from the pressure of my rage and despair. Something within me was screaming, but I had no idea as to what I was supposed to do. "After being cursed, the two were left with barely a sliver of life and strength left in their bodies. They laid down their lives in order to rescue the rest of us as well. At this point, it's can no longer be avoided." "But-" "There is nothing you can do to change the situation. Scylla and Charybdis were well aware of what they were getting themselves into. You should not feel obligated to do anything. I sincerely apologize for my insolence...but if you feel the need to apologize, it is likely that you do not understand their decisions." "That's not what I meant..." I whimpered as I glanced at the two who were still in the water, slowly floating. "I believe that those two are completely satisfied with their decisions. It was their responsibility to protect you, and they fulfilled that responsibility." Shiro was extremely blunt about it, which caused me to have a mixture of feelings about it. He was right, but I still wanted to speak with Scylla and Charybdis. Even though there are several questions I'd like to ask, I was unable to do so. As I sat on the ground, staring at the two as a ball of light began to emerge from their lips, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. For some reason, tears began to stream down my cheeks. I couldn't figure out why, but I had a hunch about what it was. Yuki is most likely resurfacing inside of me. Her feelings were taking control of my thoughts, and it was making me feel like I was no longer who I was. I have no reason to cry about this, but Yuki has a valid one. Considering how she had some sort of relation to the two, I understand where she was coming from. But I don't want her emotions mixed with mine. "Those emotions are yours. Princess Yuki's memories may have had an impact on them, but the feelings that are currently bothering you are still yours." "They aren't..." I replied. I am completely aware of what I am experiencing, and the only explanation for this is that Yuki is there inside my awareness. These are her thoughts and emotions, not mine. I may have had my humanity inside me, but it does not mean that I would shed tears for people who are not even somewhat linked to me on a personal level. Although I may have developed a little attachment to them, it is not enough to cause me to mourn their loss. I am not as kind as everyone may have thought. Shiro sighed as he looked at me. "Sure, Your Highness, whatever you say." "Stop referring to me with that title. It doesn't sit well with me." "So, Your Highness, how must I address you from here on out?" "Ivory. And please don't call me Yuki." He smiled and nodded. "I understand, Ivory." I sighed as I began walking towards the location of the two, despite the fact that there was danger ahead of me. It was too much for me to handle any longer. Yes, I suppose that I'm merely depressed because of Yuki's attachment to these two people. But I wanted to express my gratitude to them for all they've done to help us. We would have died if it wasn't for their arrival, especially me. Had I released that power from earlier, my body would have exploded. It wasn't something I could release right away. "Yuki..." Scylla called, her voice trembling because of how weakened she was. Alright. Just this one time. "Hmm?" I answered in kind as I snickered. "The two of you performed an excellent job. I thought your abilities would have become rusty by now." They exchanged a giggle. "We're still as strong as ever. There is no way we would have been weakened. If you like, we can get started straight away." I snorted a little. "I'm going to win this time as well. We all know how it would turn out." "Heh, you wish." Despite the deafening stillness that surrounded us, it didn't seem odd in any way. I was simply standing there as tears streamed down my face as I looked up at them, sadness filling me with every exchange of words. They looked at me with a smile as if I was the most fantastic person they'd ever met in their whole lives... Yuki is really fortunate to have them as her friends... "Ivory..." When I glanced at them, my jaw dropped open as I was taken away by how they addressed me. Because we are so similar, I assumed people would continue to believe that I was Yuki. I looked down as I gritted my teeth, finally deciding to stop the act. I thought it would have been nice for them if they could get to talk to Yuki after all that. "Your name is Ivory, is it not?" "Yes..." "You're an enthralling individual. I admire you for everything you have done," Scylla said as she looked at me with an emotional expression. Charybdis smiled and nodded. "Your passion...will undoubtedly lead you to where you want to go. Just have faith in yourself." "Also, you are your own individual. Although everyone refers to you as Yuki, you are well aware of your true identity. And your friends will always remember you as Ivory because that's who you are. Please accept our apologies for assuming that you are her. We were relieved to see her again after having been separated from her for decades. Please give us a break," they joked to ease the tense atmosphere. I cracked a smile. "Thank you very much." "For what?" they asked, still smiling. "For saving my stupid ass." "This is the moment we've been waiting for our whole lives. We're relieved to have been able to follow through on our pledges." I stayed where I was as I sobbed my eyes out as they faded away in front of me. They disappeared with big smiles on their gorgeous faces, showing how pleased they were to have had the opportunity to speak with me. Of course, with Yuki as well. I have no doubt that they were content during their last moments. "Hey," Blake greeted me as I walked back to where they stood. "Let's go back home." I nodded to the three of them as I walked with heavy footsteps. Everyone was deafeningly silent as we remembered Scylla and Charybdis. I wish we could have done something to remember their deaths. After they have given their lives in vain, I would want a memorial to be created in their honor. They gave their lives to defend us... "Yo," said a familiar face, a menacing grin on his face as he welcomed us. "What the f**k is it this time, Hiro?" I asked, no longer trying not to come off as disrespectful because I am not having any of it anymore. "It seems that only your team would be eligible for the award." "Yes. And what about it?" I have a feeling where this is headed. Hiro has no other reason to appear in front of me at such an unexpected time except for the fact that he wants me to share the award with them. I mean, I get what they're saying, but they didn't accomplish anything. Not only that, but they discredited the information I had obtained, even though I was the one who had the most important information. "f**k off, we don't have time to deal with you," Dylan said as he took my hand in his. "Ignore him." "You did that on purpose, didn't you, Miss Ivory? It was your desire to keep the prize for yourself, which is exactly you to refuse to tell us what you had learned about us." One of the teams' captains made a snide remark about us. "Dude, you're being so f*****g selfish right now. I remember how we agreed to cooperate." "Why are you all so f*****g bitter?" a member of the Lunatics squad said. I believe he is the leader of their team. "No one believed Miss Ivory when she claimed to have met a cat that could speak. If you had bothered to listen to what she had to say, you wouldn't be behaving like such immature little jerks right now." We took advantage of the opportunity to make a break for it while the Lunatics were protecting us from the rest of the teams. However, as we were on our way, the NPCs stopped us to hand out our goodies. We instantly agreed to their terms and proceeded to the inn where we were to spend the night. After having a shower, I groaned and lay down on my bed to rest. It's been a long and exhausting day, to say the least. I feel like a long period of time has elapsed since we last had the opportunity to unwind. Yet, even if we are on a beach, we are unable to do so. "Hey, are you okay now?" Dylan worriedly asked as he took up a position next to me. I smiled and nodded. "Probably." "Do you want to go for a walk outside?" "No. I think it's better for me to stay here." "Do you have anything specific you'd want right now? Like, a food? I'll whip it up for you in no time. I'm the master chef, remember?" he joked just so he could cheer me up. I couldn't help but laugh. "Alright, then. Make a pizza for me if you can." "I'll get right on that, mademoiselle." I appreciate that he is trying to make me happy in every way. Dylan has always had a certain charm about him, and it's something I like about him. Maybe I still like him that way. Or maybe I'm just too happy that he's still making efforts for me. I smiled as I stood there, watching him struggle to bake a pizza for me. He's just too adorable. "Do you need assistance?" Blake asked smugly. I gave him a disapproving look. Even though he is naturally gifted in every area, this person can be smug and insensitive at times, which is irritating! I was having a great time seeing Dylan put out an effort for me! If he had been really envious, he could have done something different! "I get it," Blake replied when he saw how I was looking at him. "By the way, I built a little home for your cat in the corner of your bedroom." "Oh..." I said, my mouth gaping open. "Thank you for that." He grinned and walked away without saying anything, which made me feel guilty for giving him that look. To be honest, all I wanted was for him to be a bit more modest, but I still feel horrible about what I did. He's not mad at me, is he? "Here's your pizza," Dylan said as he placed a whole platter of pepperoni pizza on the table. He actually made one... "Thank you very much for the food," I murmured as I began to dig into my meal. Damn, he makes some of the greatest meals around. It's no surprise that everyone adores him. He's very talented in whatever he chooses to do, and he puts in much too much effort. I gave him a kind grin as I ate the pizza he had prepared for me. "Do you feel better now?" he hesitantly asked. I smiled and nodded. "Yeah. You're the best." He ruffled my hair with a smile on his face. "I'm relieved. But I kept a little something for you." "Hmm? What is it?" "Give me a minute," he replied. "Alright." In between bites of pizza and peering out the window, I waited for him to return. After a few minutes, he came back with a velvet-colored box in his arms. I was intrigued because that it seemed like some form of jewelry, which made me feel happy. He pushed me to open it, and I eventually did. Tears began to collect in the corners of my eyes as I stared at what was inside. These jewelry were the pins that Scylla and Charybdis wore. Assuming that they were lost when the trident fell from the sky, I gave up trying to find them for the time being and moved on. But Dylan went on his way to find them... He gave me a kind grin. "I felt that these were important to you, so I tried to find them." "Thank you so much..." I sobbed as I clutched the pins in my trembling hands.
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