The announcement

996 Words
Before the wedding, I walked with Emeli, and we were on our way home. Suddenly, I noticed weird decorations in front of our house. I have never seen them before, but then again, I don't attend any social event. " Woah ! What's happening at your house ? ". She asked, looking at my house. Really, what was happening? " I don't know. Sometimes, I think my parents might be hippies. " I said, looking at the house. There were a lot of decorations like it was Halloween, yet it wasn't Halloween. Also, it can't be a prank. My parents are a little old to pull pranks. "Oh, I'm coming with you. " Said Emeli excitedly, passing her house to mine. We walked inside, and they all yelled, ' SURPRISE!!! '. I tried to match their excitement by responding, ' YAY ! ', but it didn't come out as planned. It was more like a yawn. I was bewildered at what was happening. Afterward, they returned to doing whatever they were doing, but they just looked. They were doing the same thing repeatedly like my mom had a bowl in her hand. She kept putting it down and then retaking it.' Like, what the hell! '. Dad came to me, " Sweetheart, I need to talk to you. " He said, leading me to their bedroom. Okay, it was severe. Whenever they called me into their bedroom, it was either I did something wrong or they heard something terrible about me. So I just silently followed him to the bedroom with Mom following us. " f**k! What did I do before leaving the house? I didn't burn it, I didn't take all of their money, I left them a change, I didn't kill any of my siblings Jonathan (13 years), Lila and Luke ( Both 7), we are two boys and two girls, with being there of course, it's a lot to handle, they are three loud mouses, every day I fight the urge to lock them down in the basement. Getting inside the bedroom, my mom followed, closing the door behind her. My heart was beating very fast, and I can be a little bit rebellious sometimes, thinking about everything I thought they didn't see. What if they knew everything I did? Hey, at least no one died. " Kate, you know that we love you very much, and everything we did was for you and your siblings. " Said Dad. " Yes, Dad, I know that, and I'm grateful. " I said, Smiling. " Well, now it's your time to make us proud. " Said, mom. " Of course, Mom, I will try by all means to make you proud of me. " I said, smiling at her. " Kate, I made a promise to my friend Howard 17 years ago. Now it's time to fulfill that promise, and I hope you won't disappoint me because it's a family tradition, and you have to go through with it no matter what ". He said softly. " Of course, Dad, I will do it. I promise I won't disappoint you. " I said, kneeling in front of him. " I'm glad to hear that, and today, you're getting married to Travis Smith. " Said Father, looking away from my face. " What ! ". I asked with a lot of mixed emotions, but confusion was apparent. " You have nothing to worry about, and he is an excellent match for you. He is a responsible young man, already managing his father's business. He will take care of you. You won't need anything. " Said Mom. I looked at her, very shocked. Did she just hear herself? Travis, out of all people! Couldn't it be Jeremy? He is a lot more my match. ' Are they broke? ' . because right now it sounds like they are selling me. " Are you guys broke ? ". That was the only thing that came out of my mouth, and my mother chuckled. " Of course not, sweetheart. " She said, smiling at me. " This is the only thing I'm asking of you, Kate; I promise I will never ask you to do anything without ever again. " Dad added, almost sounding like he was begging. Oh God, I can't have my father begging me for anything. " I will marry him, Dad. " I said, swallowing a large lump down my throat. Tears were already starting to form in my eyes, but I managed to hold them. ' I'm a bad b***h. Nothing can make me cry.' ' I'm a bad b***h. Nothing can make me cry.' ' I'm a bad b***h. Nothing can make me cry.' I kept repeating those words in my mind like a Sunday chorus. " So when is the wedding ? ". I asked like a stranger asking someone looking at wedding dresses in town. " Tonight at 8 pm". Mom answered. " And why 8 pm? ". I asked. " Since it's your birthday, we decided for you to at least enjoy it to the fullest. " Mom answered. I can see now why those decorations are a little scary. She's behind them. This woman didn't even say happy birthday to me earlier, yet she remembered that my birthday was today. " So technically, this is my birthday present ? ". I asked. " Yes baby, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. " Mom cheered, almost screaming in my ear while hugging me tightly. " You guys should work better on birthday gifts, and just so you know, I'm not getting you anything for your birthdays. " I said, leaving. " Hey, where are you going? " Mom called out. " To tell Emeli she's a maid of honor, I'm sure she will faint, but I want to see her reaction myself. It will be classic; I can feel it. " I said, continue leaving to shock my best friend for her dear life.
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