He is a girl .

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Travis's POV Earlier this morning, I received a call from my father. He said he had an important matter to discuss with me. The only relationship I have with my father is only about business, but usually, we just talk it out on the phone. But today, he wanted to meet with me, so I thought I should go home and hear him out. Maybe he's got something to help with the hotel. " Hey, son, since you lived in the city, you no longer visit your old man. " Said Dad, hugging me. He had no problem with me leaving four years ago. Why now? " I have been busy. " I answered. " Well, I have something to talk to you about. " He said. " Okay, what is ? ". I asked. It was the only thing that made me come here in the first place when he called this morning. " Your mother and I were talking about you. " He stated, then stopped. " Okay. " I answered, waiting for him to get to the point. I had a late meeting, and whatever he wanted to say would probably not sit right with me because he was beating around the bush. " We think it's time you finally manage the hotel. " He said it wasn't something I had been doing for the past four years. " Well, I have been managing for a while now. What has changed? ". I asked confused " You remember when I told you that I would sign the papers when you agreed to my proposal? ". He asked. " Yeah, I remember," I answered. " Well, I think for you to own it finally, you must get married. " He said. " What ? ". I asked. " It's time for you to get married. " He answered. " Okay, but I'm not seeing anyone at the moment. " I answered. There were a few girls that I was seeing, but none of them were wife material. " Well, we have a suitable candidate for you. We have been watching her for years now, and she's a perfect match for you. "Said Dad proudly. " What! Why? Who is it? ". I asked, shocked is old age getting to him? If I knew he was this bad, I would have come home sooner. " You know, how everyone in our families is always chosen for a bride, well we talked with your bride's parents, they agreed for a long time, but we were waiting for the right moment when she finally turned into a woman "—said Father. " So he is still transgender? ". I asked, shocked. There's nothing wrong about a transgender person, but knowing my father, he is more of a traditional person and very ignorant when it comes to transgenderism. " No, she is a woman now, a beautiful woman. "Said Dad. " So I'm marrying her for her beauty ? ". I asked. " No, but then her beauty also helps. She is a mature, respectful, healthy virgin, and she's going to give us a lot of grandchildren". Said Dad, patting my shoulder. " Okay. Who is she ? ". I asked since there was no point in fighting with him, I would win, though, if I tried, but I had to consider his health. " It's Kate Denver. " He answered smiling " Denver, the neighbors? ". I asked, shocked again. " Yes, their daughter Kate. " He answered. " Isn't their daughter like 7 or 8 years old ? ". I asked because I have seen all 4 of Denver's children. They have three boys and one little girl, the twin. " No, don't mind the little one. They have an older one, their first daughter. " He answered. " What ! They have an older daughter other than the boy always hanging with Emeli. Where did she grow up ! ? ". I asked, shocked. My father was confused for a few minutes, and I was amazed at how the Denvers hid their girl for so long. Why did they even do that, or maybe they didn't want me to meet her before the marriage? That's weird, though. " No, son, listen, Emeli's friend is the one I'm talking about. " My dad explained, and I laughed. He was getting weird and weirder, and now he thinks I'm gay? " What ! Dad, I understand I have never introduced any woman to you, but I'm not homosexual! ". I exclaimed. " What are you talking about? Kate is a girl." He answered. " Ohh, I see". I answered, but I was even more confused. I was really surprised to find out that he was a she, I kept asking my father if we were talking about the same Emeli's friend, but then Emeli had one weird friend, Emeli is a weird one too. I always thought they were dating since they were always stuck together like a pair of older people's dirty linens. HOURS LATER. "You may kiss the bride". I have been stuck in my world ever since I discovered I was getting married. I have been busting my balls off daily for four years to manage my father's hotels. Ever since he got sick, I had to take care of the family business, but instead of appreciating my work doing such a fine job, he wants me to support a teenage boy with female genitalia. Well, I can't believe that right now, I'm officially married to a... I don't even know what I'm married to. But yeah, we are married. It was a small family with close family friends, probably 50 or fewer. How did they even hear about the wedding before me? Well, I will never know. I always told myself I wouldn't get married anytime soon because I haven’t the right partner. Yes, I have a few girlfriends now and then, but they are not marriage-type. I want someone genuine, honest, transparent, passionate, and has vision, goals, and courage, not this little girl who just stopped sucking her mother's breasts. She hasn't even grown boobs yet. Do I look like a fucken baby formula?
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