Dungeons and Dragons

1566 Words
Riley  As we finish up breakfast, Dan shows up with Jeanie. “Our family has not had any luck with Sera. Her shop was deserted and boarded up. I bet she has something to do with Laney’s disappearance. Mom is  planning to get in touch with her sister, Stella. They were close growing up, so she thinks Stella will help her. She is preparing a communication potion right now and should be in touch with her sister tonight,” Dan tells us as he and Jeanie sit down.    “Please eat, we can go to the conference room on this floor once we are done,” Jace says. Dan and Jeanie eat some fruit that was brought out. I can tell they are already full but were trying to be polite. We all eat quickly and go to the conference room. It’s surrounded by windows on all sides, and it feels like you are in a glass room. The blinds are all open and you could see a beautifully kept pond outdoors. We all sit at the big conference table.    Max says, “the trail for the dragon shifter was cold too. We tried to find the dragon shifter’s island, but it seems to have disappeared from the map. Since we remember the general area, we are going to have some pilots fly over that region to see if we can find the island.”   “I think Laney is being kept in some old dungeon. I had a vision this morning, and I believe it was her,” I add to the conversation.  We knew that she could be anywhere by now. I could see the defeated look on everyone’s face. Trevor looked like he was close to crying. Jace had mentioned Laney was his mate. I can’t imagine what that poor guy is going through.   All of a sudden, a bunch of pack members show up at the conference table. Jace briefs them about where they will be going to look for Dragon Island. They all nod and disappear. Apparently, the pack owns four private planes which will be used to find Dragon Island. It’s really the only lead we have right now.    “I am going to go to a quiet room to try to see if I can get more from my visions,” I tell everyone. Jace takes me back to our floor. He shows me the common area that leads to the balcony where we were last night. There is also a dining area, a conference room, three large guest rooms, and two large offices. He takes me to my office and lets me sit on a comfy armchair by the window. It also overlooks the pond.     "This is actually my office, but I am giving it to you. I noticed how much you liked the pond when we were downstairs, so your office should be the one with the pond view."  "Is this the part where I tell you no, you don't have to do this for me."  "You just have to say yes, and it is yours. I would give you my world just to see you smile. This is nothing. Do you want to be left alone?” He asks.    “Can you hold me like you did yesterday?” I ask.   “Always.” He picks me up and pulls me onto his lap. I lean my head against his chest and close my eyes. I never had to try to force a vision into my mind; it always just happened. I didn’t even know how to begin this process. I hoped closing my eyes would do the trick. We sat there for hours, he ran his fingers through my hair.  “I am not sure what I can do. The vision is not coming.”    “Don’t push yourself so hard, my love.”    “I feel like a failure.”   “You are very gifted, my love. So gifted that someone wanted to take you. They just don’t know it yet, but they will never take you away from me.”  “I feel like this whole thing is all my fault. She wouldn’t have been taken if I kept the necklace.”   “It is not your fault. You didn’t know what would happen. You only gave her the necklace so she could find her mate. What you did was a selfless act. You shouldn’t feel like you are a failure or anything is your fault. You are perfect, my love. Don’t forget that.”   He was the best mate a girl could ask for. Purr, Lexi agrees with me. She is smitten.  All of a sudden, I am somewhere else.  ********************************************   The dungeon is so humid, and I feel gross. Will my captures let me shower? If I am going to die, I better be smelling good! I try to mindlink Riley, my dad, or anyone else I can think of. Whoever captured me must have set up some kind of block because I can’t get through to anyone.  I hear someone. A girl wearing some kind of dark brown cult robe walks in. She has a tray in her hand. She waves her hand and the tray appears in front of me. Magic. She must be a witch.  I look at the tray, it has some slimy porridge that stinks worse than me. I immediately try not to barf. “You seriously can’t expect me to eat this!” I exclaim. The girl just blinks as she stands there like a statue.  Pretty soon an old lady, with a similar robe, walks in. “Hello, Riley. I am Sera. I know this is not much of a home. When you start cooperating with us, we will give you better living quarters. You will still be a prisoner, but it won’t be in a musty dungeon,” she tells me.   I didn’t realize they thought I was Riley. Would they harm me if they find out I wasn’t? I guess I will keep up the charade for now.  “I am not cooperating with s**t. Where am I?” I ask.    “If you want answers, you are going to have to work with us,” she replies.   “Last time I checked, you need something from me. So I want better food. I am not working with you until I get better treatment and answers!”    “You are quite the handful, aren’t you?”     “You have no idea.”   She suddenly is in front of me inside my holding cell. She grabs my hair and pulls me up. “I am going to take your pretty little face and shove it against these silver bars if you don’t show some respect.” She threatens.  ********************************************   My heart is beating fast. I start hyperventilating. Jace looks at me with a concerned look. “Are you okay?” He asks.   “No. I saw Sera. She threatened Laney. I am worried she is going to hurt Laney. We have to find her now!” I reply, the panic evident in my voice.  “We will not let anyone hurt her. You have confirmed that Sera is behind her disappearance. Your mom is getting in touch with her sister. She will help us track down Sera. We will find Laney soon. You have helped us so much, my love," he says. He pulls me close and buries his nose in my neck. He takes in a deep breath and starts to softly shower my face with kisses.   Jace  It was difficult to see what Riley was going through. She was pushing herself so hard to find her friend. I wish I could take some of her suffering away.  When she told me what she saw, I felt like she can somehow go inside someone’s head. I remember when I first felt her presence there was a warmth growing inside of me. Maybe she can enter our bodies? It’s confusing because she was there as a ghost too. I tried to focus on what I had seen.  I saw when Riley entered her vision because her eyes turned red. It was a little creepy so I was glad that she closed her eyes. Then, I could feel her heart beat accelerate. Something in her vision was scaring her, and I wanted her out. I shook her slightly. Before I knew it she was back. She looked so scared.  I know I am supposed to do space, time, hugs but at that moment, all I wanted to do was hold her close. I wanted to give her my love. I listened to what she had to tell me. She was doubting herself so much that I wanted to show her what she means to me. So I lightly start kissing her face. I feel her become jelly in my arms. I know I should stop right now, but my body is a complete traitor when it comes to this girl. I am just so lost in her, and I can’t stop. What is this woman doing to me?
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