A Party or a Parting

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Riley  "Do you think we will find our mates today?" Laney asks as we make our way down to the basement.  "Yes, but you need a good luck charm. I can give you one." I reply.  I take off my family charm necklace and put it around her neck. "You will find your mate today for sure now!" I confidently state. What I don't tell her is that I am going to ditch this party. I hated the thought of having to see anyone who tormented me dancing the night away. Having to make small talk with them or actually being asked to dance with them. Nope! I don't want to let Laney down, but I am going to town to find Jace. "Why don't you go down without me. I am going to grab my phone. I will be right behind you,” I tell her as we get to the last step. She gives me a thumbs up and disappears into the crowd. I run out of the packhouse. I figured with cars and ferries going back and forth, today would be the best day to go into town unnoticed. I am not sure what I would do once I find Jace, but I knew I had to try. Laney is right, I have been drooling over him for too long. I am done waiting.  Laney She said she was going to be right behind me. I can't believe I already lost her! I am going to retrace my steps. As I go back upstairs, I start smelling apple pie. Yum, maybe I will grab a slice before I continue looking for Riley. I hurry into the kitchen, it's totally dead in here. Oh that's right, we are catering tonight! Great, I guess I have to go find where the food is or follow that apple pie scent. I decide to go with the latter but it leads me through a side door to the outdoors. I look down, and the charm Riley gave me starts to glow red. I hear feet shuffling, and I feel something lift me up. And everything goes dark. Trevor My wolf, Aaron, is on overdrive. He thinks he found our mate. Well, he smelt some hot chocolate and now has to have it. So either they have hot chocolate or... Shut up, it's our mate. You don't know man, we do like hot chocolate. You are an i***t, hurry! I sense danger! Shit. "Guys, my wolf thinks he found our mate and she is in danger!" I shout as I start following my nose. It leads me back out and around the side of the house. I see a girl in a red dress, she looks stunning. As I scan the surrounding for danger, I take in very inch of her body. I feel my d**k start to harden. I try to go to her when some unknown force swoops in, picks her up with its claws into the air, and she is gone. What the f**k just happened? I turn and see Jace and Max looking just as shocked. "Was that a dragon? Why did it disappear?” Max asks.  "I found her, and I lost her. She got kidnapped in front of me! I am a s**t of a mate," I say to no one in particular. "I always told you that you were going to be a s**t of a mate, but we are going to go get her. She is going to make you a better person," Jace says. "Let's go inside and see what we can find out. And Trevor, take a minute to pull yourself together. We need you right now." Max says as he slaps me on the back. I am so glad I have these two. They have a way to knock sense into me and focus on the mission. Despite all my short comings, they have always been by my side. We walk into the packhouse. We are greeted by Alpha Hugo Carter and his Luna, Marie Carter. They welcome us to their home and somehow knew all of our names. "It is very nice to meet you both! We want to know if there is a place where we could discuss a private matter?" Jace asks.  Luna Marie says "why don't you boys go ahead to the library, and I will continue here." We follow Alpha Hugo to the library. It's very large and stately with rows of colorful books everywhere. Even the door has shelves with books on them. A table sits at the center of the room with some chairs.  Another wolf enters the library. "Please have a seat. This is my Beta, Mark. What concern do you have for us?" Alpha Hugo asks. Well all take a seat, and Jace takes the lead in starting the conversation.  "We were on our way inside when my Gamma, Trevor, picked up on a scent that he thought belonged to his mate. He followed the scent with us trailing behind him. We all witnessed a young lady in a red dress getting abducted by what looked like a dragon. However, instead of flying away, the dragon disappeared with her,” Jace recounts calmly. I could see that they were equally shocked, but I was starting to get inpatient. This was taking too long. Nothing we are doing here is helping me find my mate. "What can you tell us about this young lady? What did she look like? We can start asking around to see which pack she belongs to," Beta Mark suggests. "She has on a red dress. She looks to be about five and half feet. Her hair was brown, straight up to her shoulders and cut into an asymmetrical bob. She has green eyes, dark green like a forest. I have never seen eyes like hers. She smells like mouth watering, hot chocolate. She is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. I sensed she was in danger right before the dragon came out of nowhere and picked her up. I failed to protect my mate. But I am going to die trying to find her. She is mine. Nothing, not even a dragon, can take her away from me!" I get out as I look at both their Alpha and Beta straight in the eye. I know it’s not my place, but I don’t care. Not right now.  Jace mindlinks me, calm down, Trevor.  I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I hear footsteps. I open my eyes to see a woman rush in. She looks so much like my angel that I am taken aback. "I am Alicia. Mark just mindlinked me. You saw our daughter getting kidnapped by a dragon?" She scrambles out before she breaks down in tears. Daughter?  Beta Mark rushes to hold her as she starts sobbing uncontrollably.  Oh great! I failed as a mate in front of my mate's parents. Guess that's a good way to meet your mate's family. I am completely incompetent. Aaron, stop whimpering in my head! I know we lost our mate, but we are going to get her back! You said we are incompetent and we failed our mate. Yes, but we have to prove that we can get her back. I am going to need you for that, so no whimpering! "Do you remember anything else? Was she talking to someone? Was there anyone near her? Wait, where is Riley?" Beta Mark asks.  "I don't know the answers to any of those questions. We just saw her by herself," I tell him.  I see his eyes glaze over and I know he is mindlinking someone else.  Luna Marie comes through the door. "I asked Dan and Jeanie to take over for tonight. Riley and Laney are both missing? How could this have happened? Oh Alicia!" She runs over to the Beta female and holds her tight. "She had a necklace on that was glowing red. There was no one else with her," I respond. "Who had on the necklace?" Marie asks. "The girl in the red dress," I reply. I guess I should ask what her name is. It seem weird to be referring to your mate by what she was wearing. Maybe I should just call her my hot chocolate.  "Your mate's name is Laney. The necklace is an amulet. It glows when her mate is nearby," the Luna smiles and says, "the necklace was given to my daughter, Riley. She must have given it to Laney to help her find her mate. You are lucky to have Laney Miller as your mate. I do have a little bit of good news, I may have a way for me to track the amulet."   "What happened to Riley?" Alicia asks after calming down. "I mindlinked Riley. She went into town. She said something about seeing her mate. She knows it was irresponsible to leave. She is extremely apologetic. I haven't told her Laney is missing. I think we should tell her that in person. Those two have been glued together since they were pups. They have never been apart for too long," the Luna responds.
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