Chapter 20

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Arthur watched Elise as Murray taught her some new tricks with her powers. Just like he had predicted, Elise was a quick learner and she grasped everything Murray taught her very easily. She was learning more and more, each day. Now that she has somewhat let her guard down around Murray, she was always excited to see him. To learn new tricks to be exact. True to Arthur's words, Murray was an excellent mentor and she always wanted to improve herself when it comes to using her powers. They were now in the middle of the forest, not that far away from the castle. Murray was teaching Elise to control the trees."I think it is time to test both of your powers together" Arthur voiced out his opinion, "So Elise would know how to defend it and how to work together with it" He continued when he gained their attention. Arthur was excited to see how the duo would perform. Eliza had joined forces with Murray that time when they were attacked and it blew his mind of what the two of them were capable of, together. Elise perked up at that suggestion, "Actually, that's a great idea, your highness" She smiled at the king alluringly, unintentionally making his heart swell at the sight of her, "We can do that right, Beta Murray?"She asked, glancing at her mentor, the excitement in her eyes was exhilarating. Murray nodded his head at the Luna Queen, "Of course, we can do that" Murray said, "You're ready to move to that level. It will be a little hard at first, taking in that you don't mind link so we have to come up with signs in order to communicate with each other" Murray explained to her, "So it will come in handy if there's a breach or rouge attack" He added when she stared at him blankly. It only takes him and Eliza a glance and a quick codeword in their mind link to form a plan. They were very good at that even though they only did that a handful of times. Elise nodded her head thoughtfully, "It almost sounds like you have worked with an earth elemental before, Beta Murray" She said, dropping her arms to her side and at the same time, the trees stood straighter. She looked at the men again to ask if she did good or not and realized Murray and Arthur were staring at her with bewildered eyes. She frowned and replayed what she had said in her mind to see if she said something wrong but her eyes widened, "Is that- I am not the only earth manipulator-?" She asked pointing at herself, her eyes were wide. Is it possible that there is someone out there, sharing the same powers as hers? Even if there is someone out there, what could it mean to her? Will she be able to learn more from that elemental? Only two seconds have passed but Elise's head was swimming with a million questions. Her eyes darted between the King and his Beta, waiting for them to say something. Murray looked at his King, anticipating the King's answer, and found the King looking at Elise, his jaw was flexed, "No" The King answered Elise's question and cleared his throat softly, looking away from her beautiful eyes. Arthur has answered her question. She is the only eath elemental who is alive right now. She was the only one with that powers, at this moment that is. "Oh," Elise said, feeling a flicker of disappointment in her. If only there is someone like her out there then she will feel a little better. She wasn't alone in this. She wasn't the outcast."Okay, then. So when do we start training to use our powers together, Beta Murray?" She asked, looking at Beta. Murray smiled tightly at her, "We can start tomorrow since we are already done for today and I have something to attend now" He said, glancing down to pretend like he was checking the time, "You can walk with the King to the castle" He added quickly making her eyes widen. She and the king going on a long walk? That would be awkward. She opened her mouth to protest but Murray was already asking the king to excuse him for the day. "Please excuse me, your highness" Murray bowed in front of the King, trying not to smile at the way Elise looking at him wide-eyed, "Have a great evening, you two" He wished the two of them before walking towards the neighborhood. "Shall we?" Elise heard the king ask her and she reluctantly tore her gaze away from Beta Murray's retreating figure to look at the bewitching face of the King. The king waited patiently for her to start walking as he angled his body towards the path they had taken to come here. "Ah yes," She nodded her head awkwardly before start walking. The King walked by her side and he was walking so close with her that their hands brushed a little when they walked, making Elise snatch her hand away quickly. "You look beautiful today" The king started. Arthur inwardly cringed at the words he had said. He didn't mean to tell that. He wanted to say something else but ended up saying that. It was her fault really. Her beauty keeps distracting him. He couldn't concentrate on anything else but her face. A lovely shade of pink adorned Elise's cheek. This wasn't the first time he had called her beautiful but she always blushed like this like it was the first time, "Thank you, your highness" She said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "You look dashing as well" She blurted out before she could stop herself. Elise threw both of her hands over her mouth and cupped it in horror, her eyes shooting up to meet Arthur's amused blue ones, "Really?" Arthur asked, fighting back the smile that was threatening to show on his lips, "Thank you" He said, turning his head to the front to stare ahead as they walked. Elise exhaled sharply, her ears turning red in embarrassment. She slowly dropped her hands to her sides and continued to walk beside him, trying so hard to forget what she had said. "You didn't commit a crime, Elise," Arthur said, this time a chuckle escaped from his throat, "You only complimented me and that is not something to look horrified of," He said, glancing towards her. Elise rearranged her features quickly, "You do look dashing, your highness" She said, biting her lip in hesitation, "I forget that you're a royal sometimes and talk with you so casually" She said, shaking her head at herself in disapproval. Arthur smiled, "I like that actually," He said, "If anything, I like it when you treat me like someone you're close with than being a royal" He added quickly, stealing glances at her from the corners of his eyes. Of course, you do, Elise thought. "So, I have been wondering if you would tell me anything about your love life that you mentioned the other day" Elise tested the waters carefully. After all, he was the one who said he liked it when she talks so casually to her. So talking about this isn't going to be an issue right? Arthur expected her to bring this topic up eventually. He had openly admitted he liked her and of course, she will have questions in her head, "Ah, you picked up a dangerous thing to say" He said in a cryptic tone, "But that's okay, you're the only one who would get away with that" He glanced towards her again and found her looking at him in narrowed eyes. "Why?" Elise asked, "Why I am the only one who can get away-" "Because you're special" Arthur interrupted her before she could finish talking. He watched the color on her cheeks deepen and bit back a smile so she wouldn't feel embarrassed again, "I fell in love with someone a hundred years ago. She was a werewolf too and she was staying in the village near to the castle" He said, turning his head to the front. His voice was vacant of emotions. "Was?" Elise pressed. Arthur's eyes hardened but Elise couldn't see that as he was staring ahead, "Yes, she died" Arthur said. It was the first time he was talking about her death out loud. It was harder than he thought. Elise gasped, feeling sorry for the king,"Oh, I am sorry, your highness. If I knew I wouldn't have asked" She said. Even though she shouldn't, she couldn't help but feel strangely relieved to hear that. It meant the king isn't seeing anyone now. "What did you think?" The king asked, looking at her again, "That I got dumped?" Hs asked, a sly smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "No, of course not, your highness" Elise shook her head but one pointed look from the king made her bit her lower lip again, "I thought she found her mate, and yeah...I thought she would have picked him over you" She admitted, scratching the back of her neck uncomfortably. Arthur shook his head, "She was only twenty-three when she died" Arthur said, "She didn't find her mate. She didn't want to as she was afraid of what it would mean to the two of us" Arthur continued, images of her face and some bits of memories flashing in front of his eyes. "You two must have been so in love then," Elise said, feeling a pang of jealousy in her, "She is too young to die at that age. Can I ask you what happened to her?" Elise held her breath as she waited for the King's answer. Arthur unconsciously slowed his pace, "She sacrificed herself in a battle" He said after a few seconds, his face turning into a statue of marble. Of course, he has Elise now but still, he couldn't forget Eliza's sacrifice. She died for him. Elise didn't know what to say to that. She was actually worried about something else now, "Have you- have you moved on from her your highness?" She asked, stammering a little. Arthur exhaled sharply, "I have moved on from her," He said, smiling towards Elise's way, "I do not feel for her as strongly as I did back then. A hundred years have passed, Elise. No matter what happens, life has to go on" He reminded her. There is always something to fight for no matter how many people one loses along the way. That's the beauty of life. "You're right, your highness" She nodded her head at him in approval. Of course, the grief would be there but it wouldn't bring back the dead, "What was her name?" She asked, sounding curious to her own ears. What could have been the name of the woman he loved? How did she look like? "Well, that question will be answered in the next session" Arthur joked, cleverly avoiding her question. There is no way he would reveal the name to her now. Arthur didn't want Elise to think as if she is a replacement or something like that. Elise was actually quite surprised that the king has opened up this far. It was just a name he was refusing to utter so she brushed it off as nothing, "Okay" She nodded her head. "I didn't know you were so interested in my private life" Arthur commented conversationally. Elise blushed again, "I uhm...well-" She stammered again, not having something to say for that. Why did she ask him that in the first place? Why did she feel this immense desire to know about his past romantic life? Why did she feel sudden jabs of stinging pain in her head when she talked about his relationship just now? Her head was reeling in all of those unanswered questions. She didn't know why she was acting this way when it comes to the king. Maybe it was because the king had shown some interest in her and it had unknowingly made her interested in him as well... "Don't worry, it's only you now" Arthur said, snapping her out of her reveries, "I only like you now" Arthur grinned at her, admitting his feelings so blatantly making her turn red again.
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