Not a bad idea

2013 Words

Draven POV I have never seemed so pathetic in front of the lords before. Trisha had one job to do, but she couldn’t execute it properly, and now, Lord Marcus had eyes on me. I want to switch bodies quickly because I can’t deal with staying in her body for long. If I were to be the one in the meeting, I would have stopped the witch from saying things like that to Trisha and that scumbag Marcus dared to make mention of Alyssa, who had died years ago. They brought up my old wound before Trisha, who was clueless about everything. What a stupid approach. Once I switched bodies, I would find out who had leaked information about what was happening in our realm. They had a mole amongst the examiner, and I wouldn’t suspect the human king because I doubt he would have the time to discuss wit

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