she is my surrogate

1089 Words

Draven POV Avoiding Trisha was hard for me. The urge to pin her to the wall and drink from her again was hard to control. Her blood tasted better than any other blood I had had in the past few days. The blood ritual drew us closer, but tasting her blood made me want to have more. I want to have her on my bed every night, f*****g her while I hear her call my name, but something is stopping me, and that something is because of the memories that I have of Alyssa. I will betray her if I let someone else into her heart. When she died, I promised not to love another woman, and I would never break that promise. But it was hard. Seeing Trisha made me believe that I was with her. It made me stare at Trisha in a way I only do to Alyssa. Even though they were different people, their attitudes were

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