Blood ritual (1)

1540 Words

Draven POV "Welcome, Emma," I greeted her as she entered the room where Trisha was admitted. I had made sure that I called her the instant I found out about the Drawitch, who was helping Draca behind my back. I was glad that she made her way into my mansion to help out. The last thing I wanted was for my mate to be under the control of Draca, which he had started doing. He even went as far as attacking her in her Dream. "I need you to end this," I pointed to Trisha's neck. "He entered her dream, and the power of a Drawitch only does that," I informed her. "I can see that," Emma said as she walked towards her and stretched her hand towards Trisha, but she moved backward. "I believe you might not know me, but I am one of the realm rulers, and I am here to help you. " Trisha exchang

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