A painful love story

1696 Words

Trisha POV The next time I opened my eyes, someone was staring at me. My vision was hazy at first, but once my eyes adjusted to the light, I noticed Draven staring at me. It made me wonder what kind of Draven he was at the time. As I arose from what appeared soft, I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I didn't realize I was on a bed until I felt the softness of my hand. I rose to my feet but promptly fell to the ground. "Ouch," I felt lightheaded and couldn't see anything momentarily. "The effect of entering other people's dreams," The Draven in front of me explained, and I yawned as I looked around. Except for the queen-sized bed and Draven, who stood before me, the room was empty. He extended his hand for me to take, and I grabbed it without hesitation. "I am the Draven who will guide you on

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