I am going to save Draven

1789 Words

Trisha POV I sighed deeply as I approached the door to the room where Draven had placed Caleb to be monitored by Selena for him to recover. I had obtained permission from Jaxton, who agreed to let me see my brother due to my decision. Even though I wasn't Draven's lover, I had to do it for him because he had saved my life not once but twice, and he was the reason my brother had to live again, so I was willing to do anything for him. When I entered the room and saw my brother's condition, I blinked my tears away. His eyes were closed, and he was hooked to several machines as he lay on the bed. Except for the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor, the room was quiet. As I looked into my brother's pale face, tears welled up in my eyes. I knew he was fighting for his life and clinging to

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