I am the king now.

1292 Words

Draven POV I have never entered a car in years. It had always been my portal and nothing else, but the body switching made everything worse. How could Trisha and I have switched bodies when she is not my soul mate? When I woke up after falling to the bathroom floor and being found by Jaxton, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that I was Trisha in the mirror. I have heard about body switching, but I never thought that it would happen to a human and a powerful vampire king. I knew that it had to be connected to Draca as his voice was the last thing I had heard before blacking out. The Drawitch had somehow managed to enter my head and cause me pain, and now I had switched bodies with Trisha. "Is there anything that I should know, your highness?" Trisha asked me five minutes after th

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