Something Of A Dream

2219 Words

"My kind…" A gentle breeze caressed Kaida as she sat in the bright sunshine lost in thought. A new day had begun and for a change she had chosen to spend her time away from Telarion and its politics. Laria had suggested a spot in the woods that the seamstress said would do her good, which she agreed to. It had been a while since she had been able to breathe in the untainted air that could only be found deep in the wooded area. The spot was beautiful, just like Laria had said. A clearing in the middle of nowhere that overlooked a very calm lake. The shiny surface of the water reminded her of her mornings back in Taedel when she chose to go for a swim instead of a bath in their tiny home. She smiled at the fond memory even though it brought a familiar tug to her heart. She missed home st

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